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City Council Minutes
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7/28/2015 4:06:49 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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Mr. Meyers stated substantial pooling of <br />in any substantial rate adjustment. He <br />4W in policing problems due to vandals and <br />this possible work simplification. <br />this nature would be required to result <br />also noted this could result in an increase <br />animals but they would be willing to consider <br />During the initial meeting with the Los Altos Garbage Company, Staff stated <br />consideration of a rate increase was coupled with the implementation of a recycling <br />program of usable materials. Mr. Myers noted that presently the only transfer <br />station on the peninsula with respect to recycling of cartons, glass, cane and <br />ferrous materials is the recently opened multi-million dollar installation at <br />Brisbane and is not yet in full operation. Mr. Myers noted that a more centrally <br />located transfer site is required to serve Los Altos Hills, Portola Valley and <br />Woodside and that Stanford is being contacted to determine whether some of their <br />lands could be utilized. Additional problems of recycling noted were increased <br />costa for containerized equipment to allow segregation of refuse; educating <br />households to segregate refuse; and unprofitability of attempts to date to recycle <br />(much has resulted in stockpiles of unwanted materials). <br />Mr. Myers stated that a recycling program initially would most likely prove <br />unprofitable and could result in increased collection rates, but that they would <br />support a pilot program if desired for the recycling of aluminum cans. This plan <br />entailed placing a large container bin at Town Hall into which residents could <br />dump their segregated aluminum cans. <br />Resident opinions on recycling were expressed by Mrs. W. M. Eastman, 13221 West <br />Sunset Drive;. Mr. Cochran, Altamont Road; Mrs. June McIlwraith, 13431 Wildcrest <br />Drive; Mrs. I. M. Cribbs, 12695 Roble Veneno Lane and Mrs. E. L. Ginzton, <br />28014 Natoma Road; Mies Shuck of Palo Alto Recycling Center; Mr. George Kessler, <br />Manager of Awalt Highs recycling center; Mrs. Ruth Edwards, Los Altos and <br />Mr. Paul Smith of Los Altos Solid Waste Management Committee. <br />Further discussion was continued to the April 19, 1971 council meeting to allow <br />receipt and review of current coat data. <br />UJcry';DULED ITEM NO. 4: <br />API'Ui::"=T OF A SPECIAL ANTENNA COMMITTEE. <br />At tti^ last meeting the Council agreed to accept recommendationp ro: neooie tc <br />serve on a committee to catedy television and ham radio antennc !n i.os Altos Bills. <br />Council concurred that an antenna committee be charged with the task of evaluating <br />present regnIations pertaining to all types of antennas in regards to quantity, <br />types, heighths and setbacks, so that residents desiring may pursue their hobby, <br />yet intrusion on his neighbors view will be respected. <br />MOT'OF, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Corbett moved, seconded by Helgesson <br />and carried unanimously that the following residents be appointed to an antenna <br />committee: <br />1. Dr. R. C. Smithwick, 25215 La Loma Drive <br />2. Mr. J. A. McCullough, 12950 Robleda Road <br />3. Mr. J. 0. Norbach, 27040 Elena Road <br />it 4. Mr. W. G. Wegener, 12841 La Create Drive <br />5. Mr. F. L. Harper, 26835 Ortega Drive <br />6. Commissioner T. P. McReynolds, 26045 Moody Road <br />-4- <br />
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