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and that they be charged with the task of reviewing ordinances regulating all <br />types of antennae and to recommend to the Council any changes deemed necessary. <br />4W In response to Mrs. McIlwraith's suggestion that the committee should be composed <br />of a broader representation, it was noted that experience with the horse ordinance <br />has shown the effectiveness of special interest groups in policing themselves. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 5: <br />DISCUSSION OF THE PALO ALTO SEWER CONTRACT AND APPROVAL OF ADDENDUM TO PAY OUR SHARE <br />OF THE TRI -CITY TREATMENT PLANT. <br />Since discussion to pending between the City of Palo Alto and the Town of Los Alto$ <br />Hills to see if relief can be obtained regarding the sewer contracts between the <br />two cities, Mayor Benson requested this item be continued. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 6: <br />REPORT FROM TRAFFIC AND PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. <br />Since Chairman James B. LeRoy was unable to attend, this item was continued for <br />30 days. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 7: <br />CONSIDER AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 179 (Horse Ordinance), as suggested by Stuart <br />Whfttelsey. <br />This item was continued for 30 days. <br />06 UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 8: <br />REPORT FROM COUNCILMAN GRABOWSKI RE NOISE CONTROL AT FOOTHILL COLLEGE. <br />This item was deferred to the next meeting. <br />STAFF REPORTS: <br />1. Since an increasing number of requests for copies of subdivision maps were being <br />received by Staff, the Council was requested to reconfirm their policy on this <br />matter. Council concurred that since copies of maps are on file and accessible to <br />the public that such requests be denied. It was noted that since blueprint facilitic. <br />are not available at Town Hall nor is the Town equipped to support this additional <br />accountability and billing burden, that anyone desiring copies of maps be redirected <br />to the applicant or their agent. <br />2. City Engineer reported on the status of Rosehill Estates and the Forbes antenna. <br />3. City Attorney reported on the status of pending litigation. <br />PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR: <br />1, Mrs. Ann Spencer, 27490 Sherlock Road thanked Councilman Grabowski for supportint <br />the Town questionaire results which indicated the majority opinion of residents were <br />against any tax increase for the purchase of open space. <br />2. Mr. Frank Wheeler objected to participation in the Regional Park without a <br />supporting vote of the Town's residents and noted a large number of those that spoke <br />401 tonight were not residents. <br />ORDINANCES: 1. First Reading. Ordinance No. 181, an ordinance of the Town of <br />-5- <br />