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TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS August 11, 2005 <br />Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />RE: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR A NEW AGRICULTURAL BUILDING; <br />LANDS OF HITZ; 26026 SCARFF WAY; FILE #80-05-ZP-SD. <br />FROM: Brian Froelich, Assistant Planner <br />APPROVED BY: Carl Cahill, Planning Director C. L' . <br />That the Planning Commission: <br />Approve the requested Site Development Permit subject to the conditions of approval in <br />Attachment 1. <br />SUMMARY <br />The applicant requests Site Development approval to add a new 2,710 square foot <br />agricultural building on the north side of the property and remove an existing 438 square <br />foot shed. The project includes a driveway extension of approximately 250 feet, a new <br />240 square foot deck, and a bocce ball court. <br />BACKGROUND <br />The subject 10.547 acre property is located at the end of Scarff Way. The large property is <br />surrounded on three sides by subdivided residential properties and Esther Clark Park <br />borders the rear of the property. Two dwellings currently exist on the site. The main <br />residence built in 1938 and a secondary dwelling unit built in the 1950's. An accessory <br />shed building (438 square feet) exists onsite that serves the current agricultural functions <br />of the property. The site contains several acres of orchards, vineyards, gardens, and has a <br />variety of screening vegetation. A 10 foot wide public utilities easement runs through the <br />property that facilitates several joint poles. The property is populated with one heritage <br />oak tree (double 6" trunk) located in proximity to the proposed improvements. <br />The proposed use and structure are permitted in the R -A zoning district per Section 10- <br />1.702 (f). As required by Section 10-2.301 (C) (4) of the Site Development Code, this <br />application for a structure exceeding 500 square feet and 19 feet in height has been <br />forwarded to the Planning Commission for review. Criteria for review from the Site <br />Development Code include grading, drainage, building siting, pathways, landscape <br />screening and outdoor lighting. Zoning Code review encompasses compliance with floor <br />and development area limitations, height, setbacks, and parking requirements. <br />