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Planning Commission <br />Lands of Him <br />August 11, 2005 <br />Page 2 of 9 <br />DISCUSSION <br />The proposed building would serve the agricultural uses for storage of equipment, <br />harvested, and for processing. The lower level of the building contains a pull through <br />garage, tractor storage stall, and cold storage room. The upper level contains an office and <br />a garden shed room. <br />The proposed building site lies in the existing public utilities easement. The applicant has <br />provided documentation showing a proposed new easement to be relocated in an effort to <br />underground the existing facilities onsite. The project has been conditioned such that the <br />applicant must provide letters of consent from the utility companies prior to acceptance of <br />building plans and the new easement must be recorded and the existing easement <br />abandoned prior to issuance of building permits. <br />Site Data: <br />Gross Lot Area: <br />10.547 acres <br />Net Lot Area: <br />10.547 acres <br />Average Slope: <br />17.8% <br />Lot Unit Factor: <br />8.778 <br />Floor Area and <br />Development Area: <br />Area <br />Maximum Proposed <br />Existing <br />Increase Leff <br />Development <br />105,900 46,708 <br />35,227 <br />+7,833 50,000+ <br />Floor <br />49,231 12,299 <br />10,454 <br />+2,278 35,000+ <br />Height and Visibility <br />The proposed agricultural building is sited on one of the highest points of the property but <br />is lowered into the hilltop minimizing the visibility of the structure. The building pad is <br />cut into the hill to create a partial basement on the lower level. The proposed structure <br />height measures 20' 6" at its highest measurement from grade and has an overall highest <br />to lowest measurement of approximately 30 feet. A row of large eucalyptus trees help <br />screen the proposed building location from the ridgeline homes to the west. <br />Setbacks <br />The proposed building is located at the minimum 30 foot side yard setback relative to the <br />northern property line. The remaining front, rear, and side setback minimums are <br />exceeded by over 200 feet. <br />