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Planning Commission <br />Lands of Hitt <br />August 11, 2005 <br />Page 3 of 9 <br />Lighting and Landscavin <br />No skylights are proposed on the roof of the new building. Proposed building mounted <br />lighting includes two fixtures at the main entrance and one fixture at each of the other <br />building exits. No new landscape lighting is proposed. <br />Trees <br />One heritage oak tree (6" double trunk) is located in proximity to the proposed deck. A <br />condition of approval is included requiring an arborist report be submitted with the <br />building plans to ensure mitigation and construction methods that will not negatively <br />impact the tree. An arborist report was not required with the site development review <br />because the applicant is flexible regarding the final location of the deck and intends to <br />preserve the tree. <br />Three pepper trees (6", 8", and 10") are proposed to be removed with the construction of <br />the new building. <br />Drivewav and Parkin <br />The proposal does not require any additional parking; however, two new legal sized (10' <br />x 20') covered spaces are created in the garage of the proposed building. A section of <br />paved driveway approximately 250 feet long is proposed from the end of the existing <br />driveway tum around to provide vehicular access to the proposed building. <br />Grading and Drainage <br />The Engineering Department has reviewed the plans and has recommended conditions of <br />approval as specified in Attachment 1. Originally, the applicant had proposed six (6) feet <br />cut and a six (6) foot retaining wall adjacent to the garage roll up door. This would have <br />required an exception to the grading policy (max cut 4 feet). The applicant has stepped <br />the cut and redesigned the wall to include two staggered walls. The current plan complies <br />with the Town's grading policy. Proposed grading quantities for the project include 670 <br />cubic yards of cut, 20 cubic yards of fill, and 650 cubic yards to be spread around the site. <br />The proposed drainage for the site involves a series of area drains that carry water away <br />from the new building and into a detention chamber followed by an energy dissipater <br />located over 30 feet from the northern property line. The final drainage will be reviewed <br />by the Engineering Department prior to final inspection of the residence per conditions of <br />approval. <br />