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City Council Minutes
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4/19/2016 1:36:48 PM
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7/28/2015 4:18:43 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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N <br />L <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1: <br />CONSIDER METHODS OF RAISING FUNDS TO MEET OBLIGATIONS TO PALO ALTO FOR <br />SEWER CAPACITY AND TRI -CITY TREATMENT PLANT. <br />Staff reviewed this item which had been agended several times and had <br />been continued from the April 19, 1971 meeting. Council discussion <br />evolved around a memorandum from the Town Engineer dated April 29, 1971 <br />relative to the total units of capacity in the Palo Alto Sewer Basin. <br />The discussion noted that in addition to 522 units that have already <br />paid for Palo Alto Capacity (comprised of SAD #3 and 5 and hookups to <br />the James T. Gardner line), there are an additional 1224 assessable <br />units. This figure was obtained from existing lots, potential lots <br />(under current sloe density) in subdivideable parcels, School District <br />Land (50 acres = 38 units, based upon 1 unit per 1.3 acre), Utility <br />Company lands (1 unit per maintenance building), and Fremont Hills <br />Country Club (20 units). In addition, discussion noted that the <br />Gardner Bullis Line, although currently connected to Los Altos by a <br />pump system is properly in the Palo Alto Basin, and will eventually switch <br />over to the Palo Alto system. The question areas as to whether re- <br />sidents in this area who if hooked up today and would thus have to pay <br />Los Altos capacity should be assessed for Palo Alto Capacity. Council <br />concurred that these residents should be assessed for Palo Alto Capacity <br />and if they later should find they are hooked into the Los Altos system, <br />that the Town would allow credit for capacity already assessed. The <br />35 connections in this area that connected to the Los Altos system prior <br />to Los Altos charging capacity fees and thus have not paid for rights <br />in either system would be required to pay, when and if the line is <br />switched over to the Palo Alto system. The Cour •il concurred that the <br />48 sub -standard parcels in the Altadena-Lowell Kingsley area not be <br />essesaed at this time. Since these lots currently are being accumulated <br />under one ownership and could eventually create 5 legal building sites, <br />it was determined capacity should be charged at a future date. <br />Floor participation was heard from Mr. Richard E. Morton, 12570 Pcble <br />Ladera Road; Mrs. Diane Miller, 13076 Vista del Valle Ct; Mrs, Irma <br />Goldsmith, 27330 Elena Road; Mrs. E. L. Ginzton, 28014 Natoma Road; <br />and Mrs. Gertrude Hinton 11571 Buena Vista. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Corbett moved, seconded by <br />Helgesson and carried by majority roll call vote (Davey voted no) <br />that the City Attorney and Town Engineer proceed with the preliminary <br />steps required to establish a sewer capacity assessment district <br />designated SAD #9 for the Palo Alto Basin. <br />-3- <br />
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