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t MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Corbett and <br />and carried unanimously by roll call vote that the contract for chip seal coating for <br />the roads described in the plans and specifications for Fremont Hills Resurfacing be <br />awarded to M. J. Taaf£e Company and that the City Clerk and Mayor be authorized <br />to execute the contract for $24,280.00 <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2 <br />AWARD CONTRACT FOR GAS TAX PROTECT NO. 23 <br />Staff reviewed this gas tax project for rebuilding Altamont Rced from Mt. Helen to <br />Natoma. Bids were submitted by Freeman-Sondgroth, B',.bx & Ledoyen, Perham Construction, <br />and 0. C. Jones & Sons. Freeman Sondgroth submitted the low bid of $91,233.98. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Grabowski and <br />carried unanimously by roll call vote that the contract for reconstruction of Alta- <br />mont Road (GTP #23) be awarded to Freeman-Sondgroth Construction Company and that the <br />City Clerk and Mayor be authorized to execute the contract for $91,233.98. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3 <br />Discussion of 1971-72 Budget <br />Staff reviewed the proposed budget for 1971-72 noting an approximate $34,000.00 <br />deficit. This was primarily attributed to the estimated $15,000 legal expenses to <br />( uphold the Zoning ordinance in the suit filed by the Confederation de la Raza, <br />`, and an additional $20,000 to cover the increased cost for the sheriff's contract. <br />The total projected 71-72 general fund expenditures was $271,017 compared to the <br />estimated and unaudited 70-71 expenditures of $235,948. <br />Council discussion noted there actually was a substantial decrease in salary expense <br />over the previous years' budget due to the personnel turnover and replacements hired <br />at the lower starting scale. Also basic operating expenses had been only slightly <br />increased to reflect the inflationary trend. Council concluded that current minimal <br />services provided allowed very little latitude to "blue pencil" any of the budgeted <br />items and result in any significant reduction in the budgeted expenditures. It was <br />noted that the Planning Commission budget of $10,500 ($4200 of which was for the <br />Town Planners retainer) allowed only $6300 for completion of the elements of the <br />general plan required by law and the anticipated professional studies to support <br />71-72 planning efforts for review of the zoning ordinance, master path plan, etc. <br />Council requested that Staff schedule discussion of the budget for planning on the <br />next Planning Commission agenda to provide the Commission''s input to the Council. <br />Council concurred that further discussion of the 71-72 budgetbe deferred to the <br />June 21, 1971 meeting. <br />UNSCHEDULED_ ITEM N0. 4: <br />CCNSIDER AMENDMENT TO PALO ALTO SEWER CONTRACT <br />Staff noted that Palo Alto had submitted an amended contract for participation in the <br />Tri City Treatment Plant which allowed credit for 335 units. It was noted that they <br />were not receptive to extending this same credit to the original contract for the <br />primary (old plant) facilities. <br />Council concurred with the staff recommendation that the revised Tri City Treatment <br />Plant contract be rejected pending agreement on the credit for the 335 units of <br />benefit for both the old plant and the Tri City Treatment Plant. <br />4 <br />