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Mr. R. C. Hall, 12140 Foothill Lane, stated that he was opposed to the project. If <br />there was no capacity available, no high density development could take place. Let <br />us refuse to pay Palo Alto and let them sue the Town. <br />Mrs. Irma Goldsmith, 27330 Elena Road, stated there is no benefit and that the only <br />reason for the project is to pay Palo Alto. <br />Those expressing endorsement of the assessment district included Mr. R. C. Cheney; <br />10737 Magdalena Avenue and Mr. D. K. Harryman, 26987 Elena Road. <br />Comments were also heard from Mrs. Kathy Woempner, 27690 Briones Court, who expressed <br />her willingness to pay her fair share of the debt to Palo Alto, but she objected to <br />being told that she was paying to receive benefit. <br />The Mayor asked if anyone further wished to be heard. No one further wished to be <br />heard. Counsel Assaf then informed the Mayor that if no one wished to be heard and <br />the Council was satisfied that it had all of the information upon which it could <br />reasonably base its decision, the hearing could be closed. If the Council wished <br />additional information it could keep the hearing open and go ahead with the Council's <br />discussion, continue the hearing or take whatever other action it desired. If the <br />hearing is closed, it would not be able to hear others or receive additional in- <br />formation. He recommended that the hearing be kept open and that the Council pro- <br />ceed with the discussion. <br />There being no further comments from the floor, Mayor Benson requested that the <br />Town Engineer report on the percentage of protests received. Mr. Crabtree noted <br />that there are 1631 acres in the proposed S.A.D. #9. Of these 486 acres or 29.806 <br />protested by letter; the 209 cards represented 392 acres or 24.020; thus the percent <br />age of protest within the District (which excluded those already in S.A.D. #3 or i/5) <br />was 53.82,% (29.80 + 24.02) or a majority protest. <br />Councilman Grabowski remarked that of the written protests some 28 to 30 reasons <br />for protest were other than protesting against the District or repeal of the policy <br />resolution; 43 of the letters were not bonafide protests against the district <br />but protested on the ground they were satisfied with septic tanks, didn't want <br />sewers, intended to place their property under the Williamson Act, don't want to <br />spend the money or don't have it or want to pull out of the Tri-City Plant. <br />Counsel Assaf explained that the reported majority protest percentage did not go into <br />the reasons for the individual protests or their technical validity but were all <br />counted as protests as were the Dent cards nreviouslv discussed. <br />Councilman Davey explained that the Tri-City Plant was a Town obligation. Counsel <br />Faisant stated that this was true because the Town signed the contract but that this <br />was a generalization. The contracts with Palo Alto and Los Altos were different <br />in that the Palo Alto contract guaranteed capacity to the Palo Alto Basin properties, <br />whereas the Los Altos contract guaranteed capacity to the Los Altos Basin properties <br />and each contract covered a different part of the Tom. <br />4W <br />-11- <br />