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Council discussion followed with a review by Councilman Corbett as to the financial <br />dilemma that exists within the Palo Alto Drainage Basin. In summary, he stated <br />that he had filed a suit against the Town when. S.A.D. #3 was established and that <br />he still opposec oomyn,lsory sewering of the Town, but that after much study he had <br />concluded the only equitable solution for resolution of the debt to Palo Alto for <br />capacity rights was for everyone within the Palo Alto basin that has not yet pur- <br />chased capacity to be assessed in proportion to the benefits to be received, and <br />that these properties did receive a benefit. He reiterated-ooi ā€žnā€ž .ti ,,,,nssinan <br />wherein it had been established that the contract with Palo Alto although objo.+i,,,,_ <br />able, was legal and valid, that those in the Los Altos drainage basin had already <br />paid their share for capacity rights when S.A.D. #4 was established, thus making <br />a townwide tax to pay this obligation inequitable, since the problem was particu- <br />larly oriented toward those in the Palo Alto drainage basin and therefore he <br />supported formation of Sewer Assessment District No. 9. Councilman Grabowski, <br />Helgesson and Mayor Benson concurred with his remarks. Councilman Davey dissented, <br />stating the reason for the Town's financial difficulty is due to the Town sewer <br />Policy which impeded the originally projected 50 connections per year, which would <br />have enabled the Town to meet the contractual obligations to Palo Alto. The policy <br />she maintained directly caused a lack of connections to the Palo Alto system and <br />consequently resulted in less than 8 per year. As an alternate to S.A.D. #9 she <br />proposed the following as a solution. <br />I. Vote to rescind the Town Sewer Policy (Resolution No, 458) <br />2. Allow those districts to proceed under traditional assessment procedures <br />so that those areas of Town where there is a demonstrated health need could <br />have sewers and that would create the 50 new connections per year as projected. <br />The Council discussion and consideration being completed, Mayor Benson ordered the <br />hearing closed and requested the City Attorney to introduce Resolutions 637, 638, <br />and 639. <br />Resolution No. 6Z - Re: Overrule Protests <br />The City Attorney introduced and read in its entirety, Resolution No, 6379 A <br />Resolution of the Town of Los Altos Hills, overruling protests on Resolution of <br />Intention No. 632 -- Sanitary Assessment District No. 9. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Corbett moved, seconded by Helgesson, <br />that Resolution No. 637 be adopted as read carried by the following roll call vote: <br />Ayes: Councilman Corbett, Grabowski, Helgesson and Mayor Benson; Noes: Councilman <br />Davey; Absent: None. <br />Resolution No. 638 - Re: Adoption of Engineer's Report and Confirm Assessments. <br />The City Attorney introduced and read in entirety Resolution No, 638, A Resolution <br />of the Town of Los Altos Hills and order adopting Engineer's Report Confirming the <br />Assessment and Ordering the Acquisitions and/or Improvements -- Sanitary Assessment <br />District No. 9. <br />`. MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Corbett that <br />Resolution No. 638 be adopted as read, carried by the following roll call vote; <br />Ayes: Councilmen Corbett, Grabowski, Helgesson and Mayor Benson; Noes: Councilman <br />Davey; Absent: None. <br />-12- <br />