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Resolution No. 639 Re: Designation of Collection Officer <br />The City Attorney introduced and read in entirety Resolution No. 639, a Resolution <br />of the Town of Los Altos Hills, designating collection officer -- Sanitary Assessment <br />District No. 9. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Corbett, that <br />Resolution No. 639 be adopted as read carried by the following roll call vote: <br />Ayes: Councilmen Corbett, Grabowski, Relgeason and Mayor Benson; Noes: Council- <br />man Davey; Absent: None. <br />Council discussion noted that those parcels wherein the owners claimed they were <br />being assessed for units of benefit in excess of allowable lots under current zoning,' <br />necessitated further study by the Town Engineer and thus a proposed Resolution No. <br />640 for modification of assessments was deferred to the August 16, 1971 meeting. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: <br />FREMONT HILLS COUNTRYV CLUB USE PERMIT ii353 - 71 - Amending V-20-57 by requesting <br />two additional tennis courts. <br />Staff stated that the Planning Commission had recommended approval of this Use <br />Permit to add two tennis courts and the list of conditions was reviewed. Council <br />discussion concurred with the recommendation. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Grabowski, <br />and carried unanimously that a Use Permit for Fremont Hills Country Club (UP353-71) <br />be granted to add two tennis courts in accordance with the Conditions of Approval <br />dated July 26, 1971. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NOS3: <br />ACTION ON PENDING LEGISLATION - Councilman Grabowski. <br />Council c acurred to defer this discussion of pending State legislation until the <br />August 16, 1971 meeting. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1: <br />DISCUSSION OF AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING ALL COMMERCIAL AND TRADE VEHICLES DOING BUSINESS <br />IN LOS ALTOS HILLS TO BE PROPERLY IDENTIFIED. <br />Staff noted that it had been suggested that all commercial vehicles that work in <br />Town be identified as such to facilitate business license checking and security. <br />Council discussion ensued with floor participation from Mrs. Diane Strobele, <br />26450 Ascension Drive; and Messrs: A. M. Laws, 11210 Hooper Lane, D. Jansson, <br />27440 Sherlock Road; and R. E. Morton, 12570 Roble Ladera Road. <br />Discussion noted inherent problems and the majority of the Council concurred that <br />the subject be tabled. Councilman Grabowski dissented, noting it would be a valuable <br />deterrent to potential burglars. <br />STAFF REPORTS: <br />1. The City Manager requested and was granted vacation leave from August 5 through <br />August 11, 1971. <br />-13- <br />