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Last modified
4/19/2016 1:37:28 PM
Creation date
7/28/2015 4:29:17 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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"I am a duly registered civil engineer in the State of California and I am the duly <br />appointed Town Engineer of Los Altos Hills. As the Town Engineer I was appointed <br />Engineer of Work for Sanitary Sewer Assessment District No. 9 and was directed to <br />make and file with the City Clerk a report, in writing consisting of a description <br />of the acquisitions to be made, the engineer's statement of the itemized and total <br />estimated costs and expenses of the acquisitions, including the incidental expenses <br />in connection therewith, a diagram showing the assessment district and the boundaries <br />and dimensions of the respective subdivisions of land within the district and an <br />assessment in accordance with benefits. This report was prepared and filed with <br />the Clerk on June 21, 1971 and is made a part of the record. <br />The District is comprised of that portion of the Town of Los Altos Hills which will <br />obtain sanitary sewage treatment from the City of Palo Alto and which will naturally <br />flow by gravity in the direction of the City of Palo Alto. The District includes <br />the area outlined on the map on display, a copy of which is on file in the office <br />of the Clerk and is generally outlined as follows: <br />On the west, north and east by the corporate limits of the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br />On the South by a line identical to the northerly boundary of Sewer Assessment <br />District No. 4 and in the vicinity of the following streets: Fremont Road, Campo <br />Vista Lane, Robleda Road, Wildcrest Drive, Alta Lane North, Alta Tierra Road, La <br />Paloma Road, Purissima Road, Junipero Serra Freeway, Taaffe Road and Altamont Road. <br />The District contains approximately 21304.6 acres, exclusive of public rights of <br />way. <br />far In my opinion, all property benefiting from the proposed acquisitions has been <br />included within the District and no property has been omitted. <br />The project consists of the acquisition of capacity and disposal rights and the right <br />of service and use in sanitary sewerage collection, transmission, treatment, outfall <br />and disposal facilities of the City of Palo Alto for and on behalf of the properties <br />within the proposed assessment district. The acquisition of these capacity rights <br />and rights of service and use constitutes the basis for the spread of assessments. <br />Capacity will be reserved for future connection by the properties within the pro- <br />posed assessment district not now connected or served. <br />The Town, in conjunction with the City of Palo Alto, has planned for, and construc- <br />tion is now under way, of facilities by the City of Palo Alto of sufficient capacity <br />to include and provide for the treatment of sewage from the area of the Town to be <br />included within the proposed assessment district. <br />One unit of benefit is assigned to the reservation or use of the capacity to provide <br />sewage treatment service to one single family dwelling site with an average dry <br />weather sewage discharge rate of 400 gallons per day. Existing lots or parcels <br />of record and containing a nominal area of one acre are considered to be one dwell- <br />ing site. <br />Existing lots or parcels containing substantially less than one acre are also con- <br />sidered to be one dwelling site provided that they are located in an area of pre- <br />` vailing similar lot sizes with existing dwelling structures. <br />-4- <br />
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