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Parcels containing two or more acres were estimated to be benefited by a multiple <br />unit of benefit equivalent to an estimated number of ultimate single family dwell- <br />ing sites upon the following criteria: <br />(a) One acre minimum for all dwelling sites, and <br />(b) Number of sites in accordance with latest approved tentative map <br />for any pending subdivision, or <br />(c) Maximum number of sites, computed in accordance with Town's Slope <br />Density Ordinance, or a reasonable approximation thereof. <br />Certain parcels have been included and assessed zero due to the fact that these <br />parcels have been included in previous assessment district proceedings for the <br />acquisition of capacity rights and rights of service and use, or such rights <br />have been purchased by cash payment. In addition, certain properties have connected <br />to the Gardner Bullis School line and have paid capacity right charges to the City <br />of Los Altos, or have connected to that line prior to the imposition of capacity <br />rights charges by the City of Los Altos. <br />The spread of the assessment, as outlined, was uniformly applied throughout the <br />entire District. In my opinion, the amount of the assessment on each assessed <br />parcel properly reflects the benefits to be derived by that parcel and is fair <br />and equitable. The method of assessment is in accordance with acceptable <br />practice and is reasonable, fair and just and the resulting assessments are sub- <br />stantially less than, but in proportion to, the special benefits which the assessed <br />` properties will receive. <br />All of the area of the District will, in my opinion, benefit from the acquisition <br />of capacity rights and rights of service and use even though immediate service <br />will not be received. Certain parts of this area are largely undeveloped and <br />may not have need for immediate service. However, the benefit to be derived <br />is the ensuring of the future right to a public sewer system when needed. There <br />are presently many homes built in the area which will need sanitary sewage service <br />some time in the future and the benefits to be derived by these properties will be <br />the ensuring of capacity and use rights to be used by them at the time a connection <br />is made to the sewers. Prospects for the growth of the area within the assessment <br />district necessitate planning now against the time when population density and <br />accumulating disposal problems require sanitary sewers for the area. <br />racilities are presently under construction by the City of Palo Alto and are being <br />built of a size and capacity to serve the area within the assessment district and <br />provide for their future needs. To fail to provide for this at this time would <br />result in either the unavailability of future service or, at the least, the dupli- <br />cation of facilities, excessive cost and constitute bad planning for the future <br />needs of the area. The topography of the assessment district is such that the en- <br />tire area will naturally drain in the direction of the City of Palo Alto. <br />In summary, it is my opinion, that the proper development of the lands within the <br />proposed assessment district and the public convenience and welfare necessitates <br />the acquisition of the capacity rights and rights of service and use contemplated <br />in the project. The value and desirability of these lands will depend, to a great <br />extent, on the acquisitions, as contemplated, for the future needs of the area. <br />-5- <br />