circulating the post cards which solicited protests, that it was common practice
<br />to circulate petitions and as such permissible. However Staff stated that they bad
<br />neither reviewed nor passed upon the form of any proposed protest nor upon the
<br />method of presenting such to the Council. Following the discussion, the Council
<br />concurred that the intent of protest was clear and that the Council would consider
<br />these post cards in their deliberation. Motion by Councilman Davey to accept the
<br />post cards as legal protests failed for lack of a second, since the remainder of
<br />the Council had already concurred that they were not legal, but that they had
<br />agreed to accept them as such.
<br />Lengthy discussion with audience participation followed, as to whether the letters
<br />of protest received should or should not be read. Council concurred that all the
<br />letters should be read, so that the reasons for protest could be determined. Once
<br />again the Mayor asked if anyone ;wished the protests to be read. After considerable
<br />discussion by the Council and members of the audience, the Council ordered them
<br />summarized in view of the fact that no one wished the uritten protests to be read.
<br />The City Clerk summarized letters of protest on file with him, from the following:
<br />All addresses Los Altos Hills, unless noted otherwise.
<br />Ms. L. L. Dronkert, 27431 Black Mt. Rd. #980; Mr/Mrs. D. E. Robles, 14554 De Bell
<br />Dr. #323; Mr/Mrs. W. C. Smith, 25905 Estacada Dr. #302, 303; Mr/Mrs. A. Calvin,
<br />14160 Miranda Ave. #568; Mr. S. F. Svedeman, 12348 Melody Lane, #987; Mr. Wm.
<br />Beaver, 27650 Edgerton Rd. #956; Ms. R.B. Spangenberg, 2100 Page Mill Rd. Palo
<br />(AV
<br />Alto, #l; Ms. L. Lewis, 27550 Edgerton Rd. #963; Mr/Mrs. A. Prentice, 27750 Edgerton
<br />Rd. #957; Mr. D. S. Landon, 27633 Via Cerro Gordo, #811; Mr/Mrs. I. Haas, 27677
<br />Briones Ct., #845; Drs. W. and M. Jochle, 27133 Adonna Ct., #883; Mr. J. Sweeney,
<br />27121 Adonna Ct., #882; Prof. 0. Busman, 12655 La Cresta Dr., #638; Mr/Mrs. D.
<br />Bugge, 26342 Ginny Lane, #450, #1146; Mr/Mrs. F. H. Be Wheeler, 27174 Elena Ave.
<br />#1063; Mr. G. T. O'Mara, 25600 LaLanne Ct., #558; Mr. E. G. Snyder, 2220 Old Page
<br />Mill Rd. Palo Alto, #15; Mr. J. P. Dammann, 26856 Almaden Ct., #1052, #1053;
<br />Mr/Mrs. L. S. Cutler, 26944 Almaden Ct. #1041; Mr. N. S. Estrada, 12695 La Cresta
<br />Dr. #636; Mr. R. Mukai, 586 Croyden Ct., Sunnyvale, #545; Mr. W. J. Ianahan,
<br />12145 Foothill Lane, #1081; Mr. E. R. Terry, 25960 Estacada Dr. #320; Mr. L. L.
<br />Libby, 14329 Miranda Way, #358; Mr. R. R. Buss, 2265 Page Mill Rd., #5; Mr/Mrs.
<br />N. M. Fisk, 13367 La Cresta, #142; Ms. I. M. Hoff, 12130 Foothill La. #1079;
<br />Mr. G. P. Smith, 25880 Elena Rd., #1069; Ms. M. and S. Westall, 27575 Black Mt. Rd.
<br />#1008; Mr/Mrs. D. Be Grandstoff, Jr. 13880 Campo Vista, x/50; Ms. C. J. Hall,
<br />12882 Viscaino Dr. #622; Mr. J. S. Ewing, 27811 Lupine Rd. #587; Mr. W. A. Ward,
<br />14116 Seven Acres Ia. #561; Mr. R. E. Lee, 26430 Purissima Ave. #1154; Mr/Mrs.
<br />E. W. Mehner, 26629 Purissima Rd., #1150, #1151; Ms. A. L. Boortz, 26642 Purissima
<br />Rd. #1140; Mr. R. G. Schonberg, 12386 Melody La., #1014; Mr/Mrs. R. H. Stroud,
<br />27625 Vogue Ct. #1021; Ms. I. C. Goldsmith, 27330 Elena Rd. #1062; Mr/Mra.
<br />G. F. Stoneman, 13101 Ia Cresta Dr. #405; Mr. W. S. Best, 13111 La Cresta Dr.,
<br />#404; Mr/14rs. L. Krebs, 5124 Iankershim Blvd., North Hollywood, Ca. #426;
<br />Mr/Mrs R. L. Colligan, 13001 La Cresta Dr., #409; Mr/Mrs. J. J. Klein, 14520
<br />DeBell Dr., #348; Mr. A. Kinkead, 28011 Elena Rd., #107; Palo Alto Unified
<br />School District, c/o Tully C. Knoles, 25 Churchill Ave. Palo Alto, #99, 794, 876,
<br />998; Mr. L. Dawson, 13835 Page Mill Rd., #100, 103; Ms, Be Roberts, 2250 Page
<br />Mill Rd. #7; Mr. Be LeShelle, Arastra Ltd., 17201 Sunset Blvd, Pacific Palisades,
<br />Calif., 0796, 979, 102, 104; Mr. R. E. Lee, 26430 Purissima Ave., #1036; Mr/Mrs.
<br />A. R. Eagle, 12230 Windsor Ct., #1003; Mr. R. Hall, 12140 Foothill La. #1080;
<br />-7-
<br />