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City Council Minutes
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/19/2016 1:37:28 PM
Creation date
7/28/2015 4:29:17 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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It was explained that certain properties included within the assessment district <br />were assessed zero because they were included in other assessment districts for <br />capacity chargee, and were found to benefit in those districts. They had been <br />included only for convenience. In addition, certain properties had connected to <br />the Gardner Bullis School line and had paid capacity charges to the City of Los <br />Altos, or had connected to that line prior to the imposition of capacity,rights <br />charges by the City of Los Altos. <br />Letters endorsing the formation of the District were read from Mr. William Ross <br />Aiken, 10410 Magdalena Ave., Mrs. Marie B. George, 12881 Viacaino Place and Mr./Mrs <br />Gary B. and Vicki Jones, 12600 Page Mill Road. <br />Certain protests were not identifi ble and the properties could not be located. <br />It was explained that the protests to be valid must contain some way of identifying <br />the property proposed to be assessed. <br />The Mayor then stated that those wishing to be heard orally would now be heard. <br />Mr. Jerome Long, Jr., 14146 Amherst Court asked that the boundaries of the proposed <br />district be defined. The Town Engineer then outlined the boundaries of the District <br />and referred to the boundary map posted on the wall, and on file in the office of <br />the Clerk and of record in the office of the County Recorder. He stated he was <br />opposed to the District on the ground the District was being formed to fulfill the <br />Contract with Palo Alto which was an obligation of the Town as a whole and the Town <br />as a whole should pay for it. It was pointed out that the Contract was a Town <br />Contract but that its purpose was to provide capacity for those properties within <br />the Palo Alto basin and not for the entire Town. Those properties in the Los Altos <br />Basin were covered by contract with the City of Los Altos and that both contracts <br />were limited to specific areas of the Town benefiting from each contract. <br />Mr. Michael DiLeonardo, attorney, representing several property owners, stated <br />that the contract with Palo Alto was a Tom contract; that the Municipal Improve- <br />ment Act of 1913 and the Improvement Boll Act of 1915 did not mention sewers; that <br />there are sewer acts in the Government Code authorizing sewers, that there has been <br />no study as to what sewers will cost, when property will be developed, what total <br />system will cost, etc., and the lack of such a study has created confusion. With no <br />such study, the Council is dealing with generalities. This project is an easy <br />way to fulfill the contract with Palo Alto. No one can tell when sewers will be <br />available. This is the wrong solution. It was stated by Counsel Assaf in reply <br />that the Contract with Palo Alto was not in issue. The only thing in issue at <br />this hearing and the only legal basis upon which an assessment can be levied is <br />on the basis of the benefit to be derived by the properties to be assessed. The <br />question is: Does the acquisition of the rights proposed in this project and the <br />guarantee of capacity to those properties to be assessed when and if they desire <br />sewers or need them benefit these properties? This is the only question at issue <br />before the Council. Counsel Assaf then stated that the Acts mentioned by Mr. <br />DiLeonardo did authorize the project, that, as previously reported by the <br />Engineer, the assessment vias spread on the basis of approved tentative maps and <br />slope density ordinances and other ordinances of the Town in determining the number <br />of building sites for each parcel under present ordinances of the Town. <br />( Mr. R. E. Morton, Jr., 12570 Roble ladera Road, asked to be heard. He referred <br />V to Resolution No. 458 and stated that if there is a majority protest the project <br />should be abandoned. The project is not for the construction of sewers. <br />
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