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SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2. <br />ELIAS, HURTCN D. Long) UP -354-71 - Request for Use Permit for Hoarding Stable <br />to at 25720 Altamont Road. <br />Staff reviewed that the Planning Commission had recommended this application for <br />approval and the conditions were presented. It was noted that 27 horses were to <br />be allowed on the 4.727 acres. Council concurred that condition #5 be revised to <br />read: " Public riding instruction shall not be given, but this shall not be deemed <br />to prohibit the owners of boarded horses and members of their immediate family. <br />Floor comments were heard from Mr. S. W. Whittelsey, 25259 La Loma as to the dis- <br />advantage of not allowing riding instruction for residents having their own horses. <br />He noted the sentiments expressed against horses frequently were a result of their <br />actions since they often have neither been trained in the proper care of their <br />horse nor instructed as to their responsibility towards private property. <br />The applicant, Mr. Elias reviewed his plans to develop the property, noting that <br />there were only presently 9 stalls, but eventually he hoped to apply for 18 stalls <br />to allow one horse per stall. In addition he planned toblue rock drives and <br />parking areas and cover the paddocks as income allowed. <br />Council discussion noted that this Use Permit as well as the Melton Use Permit was <br />restricted to the Assessors Parcel Number specified,in response to a query from <br />Mr. Keith Pritchard as to whether the applicant could lease adjoining vacant land <br />for pasturing additional horses. It was observed that the existing stalls abutted <br />the adjoining vacant land, and thus encroached into the 30' setback. The City <br />Attorney stated that existing non -conforming structures were allowed to remain <br />until they were required to be reconstructed to more than 50% of their value. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by Helgesson, that <br />the request for a Use Permit by Burton Elias (UP 354-71) for a boarding stable at <br />25720 Altamont Road be granted in accordance with the approved amended. 15 conditions <br />dated August 16, 1971. The motion was carried by the following roll call vote: <br />Ayes: Councilmen Davey, Grabowski, Helgesson and Mayor Benson, Noes: Councilman <br />Corbett (too many horses). <br />SCHEDULED ITEM N_O..: <br />LANDS OF FSHNER (369-70) FINAL MAP, Tract #4897, 14 lots. Eagr. M. W. Wolff. <br />The Town Engineer reported that all conditions of the Check List for the Tentative <br />Map of Lands of Eshner have been fulfilled, required fees had been paid, and that <br />the Final Map was recommended for approval. Part of the old right of way wherein <br />Altamont Road had been re -aligned was proposed to be abandoned which would clear <br />up the title to Lot #14 and relocate the newly aligned road in the proper right of <br />way, resulting from easements obtained from Mr. Fshner. <br />Council discussion evolved around a path along Altamont on the Eshner aide with <br />floor participation from Mrs. Millie Saviano, Chairman of the Pathway Committee; <br />Commissioners Priscilla Weisbart and Art Lachenbruch; the applicant, Mr. Eshner; <br />Mr. S. W. Whittelsey; and Mr. A. M. Laws. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by Grabowski and <br />carried unanimously that the Final Map of Lands of Eebner (369-70) for 14 lots <br />be approved. (Tract 04897. This subdivision has been named "Silent Bills." ) <br />Council concurred to agenda the abandonment of the old right of way and review <br />design of that portion of Altamont Road adjacent to Lot #14 of lands of Eshner. <br />-3- <br />