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City Council Minutes
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4/19/2016 1:37:49 PM
Creation date
7/28/2015 4:36:01 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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r/ UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3: <br />REPORT ON COST OF SPRINKLER SYSTEM POR vowN HALL. <br />Staff noted that although three firms had indicated their interest to <br />bid on a sprinkler system for Town Hall,only one had submitted a <br />proposal as of this date. Their estimate was $5100. Council 6on- <br />curred that Staff obtain additional proposals and report back. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 4: <br />REPORT ON PATHWAY ENCROACHMENTS IN ROSEHILL ESTATES 01. <br />Staff reviewed that at the last Council meeting, it was mentioned that <br />there were a great many pathway encroachments existing in Rosehill <br />Estates #1 and Staff was asked to inspect the area and report on <br />these encroachments at this meeting. <br />The City Manager stated he had inspected the area and had taken numer- <br />ous slides but that they were not processed as yet and therefore re- <br />quested that discussions of this item be continued. Council concurred <br />and floor comments were heard from Mrs. M. Saviano. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 5: <br />REVIEW FORMS TO BE USED IN CONNECTION WITH THE WILLIAMSON ACT. <br />Staff reported that the packet of forms for processing land to be <br />placed under contract per the Williamson Act previously distributed <br />to the Council had been reviewed by the City Attorney, City Planner, <br />County Assessor's office and the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. <br />In addition, a set had been sent to the State Board of Equalization, <br />Property Tax Division, but as yet no response had been received. Staff <br />reiterated that lands containing one or more building sites or poten- <br />tial sites not used for a residence or a parcel containing a residence <br />but with sufficient acreage to allow it to be further sub -divided into <br />two or more sites would be considered for contract. Council discus- <br />sion ensued with floor participation from Mrs. P. Weisbart. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded <br />by Davey and carried unanimously that the forms for use in connection <br />with the Williamson Act contracts be approved. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 6: <br />REVIEW PLANS FOR REBUILDING THE V -DITCH BETWEEN THE BOONES AND HAHNS <br />AND AUTHORIZE A "CALL FOR BIDS". <br />Staff noted that the Purissima Hills Water District, although willing <br />to participate financially, did not wish to commit to any specific <br />amount until they had had opportunity to look at the plans and review <br />the bids. The Town Engineer presented plans and specifications for <br />the rebuilding of this ditch and compared the advantages and dis- <br />advantages of installing a pipe over an open ditch. He recommended <br />that a 240 perforated corrugated metal pipe be installed in the ditch <br />and covered with crushed rock. The aesthetic effect of this proposal <br />was preferred by the Council over the alternative concrete lined open <br />ditch. <br />-3- <br />
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