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City Council Minutes
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Last modified
4/19/2016 1:37:49 PM
Creation date
7/28/2015 4:36:01 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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4/ MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by <br />Helgesson and carried by unanimou; roll call vote to approve the Town <br />Engineer's recommendation that a rock covered perforated, corrugated <br />metal pipe be installed for 1000' in the V -Ditch near the Boone and <br />Hahn residences of Fremont Hills after the ditch has been cleared <br />of brush and that he be authorized to "Call for Bids." <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 7: <br />CONSIDER A "PUBLIC INFORMATION" LETTER. <br />The City Attorney reported on the responses from the attorneys handling, <br />the Confederacion de la Raza Unida suit and the S.H.D. #9 suit, and <br />noted that both attorneys strongly recommend against either a public <br />meeting or a letter dealing with these matters. <br />Council concurred to table further discussion of this proposal. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 8: <br />REPORT ON ACTION OF PLANNING COMMISSION RE: INTERSECTION OF ARAS- <br />TRADERO AND PAGE MILL ROADS. <br />Staff stated that the Planning Commission at their meeting of September <br />13th concurred that no work should be done at this time at the inter- <br />section of Arastradero and Page Mill Roads and that Page Mill Road <br />should not be straightened as it would simply increase the speed of <br />the traffic, which would make the bridges on either side of this in- <br />tersection more dangerous. It was noted that they had -asked the Path- <br />` way Committee to study the two bridges and recommend improvements <br />for the safety of pedestrians, equestrians, and bicyclists. x.1:;0 staff <br />was preparLng cost estimates on the different alternatives for making <br />these bridges safer. <br />Council discussion ensued with floor participation from Mrs. P. Weis- <br />bart, Mrs. M. Saviano and Mr. L. Dawson. Councilmen Corbett and <br />Helgesson noted that the Town would be derelict in its responsibility <br />if it ignored the existing hazards since the fear of increased speeds -_ <br />that might result from improving the safety along this route would <br />not justify continuation of the present hazards to pedestrians, <br />equestrians and bicyclists. They felt proper traffic signs and law <br />enforcement would minimize and control speeding. Following lengthy <br />discussion with no unanimity among the Council, the Council concurred <br />that this matter be further studied. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded <br />by Helgesson and carried unanimously that discussion of improvements <br />along Page Mill Road be deferred pending further study. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 9: <br />STAFF REPORTS: <br />1. Staff stated that the California National Guard will be available <br />for path clearing work in Los Altos Hills on November 13th. <br />2. The City Manager announced that an Inter -City Golf Tournament <br />`, would be held October 21st and requested volunteers for a foursome. <br />Following discussion, Councilman Grabowski, Commissioner Weisbart, <br />City Attorney Faisant and Mr. Fritschle agreed to represent the Town. <br />-4- <br />
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