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3. City ettorney stated that he was in the ,process of ,�re.aring the <br />taw forms to be utilized for Open S -pace Easement under Cha;-Dter 6.5. <br />�. City .,ttorney noted that he has filed the lest Da;oers to remove <br />the Town from further )c-tici?a.tion in the Domenic Case. <br />5. City 1.ttorney reported that the Munici Jal Code Manuscript had been <br />received which codifies existing ordinances through March 15, 1970. <br />COpies are on file and available for review at the Town Hall. <br />6. Town Engineer reported on errors in computing S.A.D.$9 assessments <br />580, 808, 9,7 and 978 and recommended that they be reduced as follows: <br />4580 - from $844.50 to $563.00 <br />#808 - from 563.00 to 281.50 <br />¢$9%7 - from 281.50 to 0.00 <br />'9 78 - from 4222.50 to 3659.59 <br />Council concurred with the Engineers recommendation end directed the <br />City Attorney to int:=,duce these reductions under "Resolutions" <br />PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR: <br />1. Mr. L. Dawson, 13835 Page Mill Road expressed objection to the <br />Town requiring that cash payment of S.A.D. #9 assessments be made by <br />September 27, 1971, in view of the pending litigation which has frozen <br />the use of these funds until the suit is resolved. He noted that in <br />the event that the Town should lose the suit that he had been informed <br />and objected thereto that those who had paid easy and thus would receiv� <br />a refund were not to receive interest for the period the Town held <br />these funds. The City Attorney noted that the matter of interest <br />would be subject to the decision of the court, but noted that the <br />Town legal expenses incurred were a cost to this assessment district <br />and could likely negate any accrued interest. <br />ORDINANCES: <br />1. ORD NO. 190 (First Reading). An ordinance adopting the Los Altos <br />Hills Municipal Code. <br />The City Attorney introduced and read the title of Ordinance No. 190, <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE <br />LOS ALTOS HILLS MUNICIPAL CODE, TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOWING SECONDARY <br />CODES THEREIN ADOPTED BY REFERENCE, TO WIT: THAT CERTAIN CODE ENTITLEL <br />"UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, 1967 EDITION, VOLUME 1", TOGETHER WITH ITS <br />APPENDICES, PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING <br />OFFICIALS, SAVE AND EXCEPT SUCH PORTIONS THEREOF AS ARE DELETED, <br />MODIFIED, OR AMENDED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE LOS ALTOS HILLS MUNI- <br />CIPAL CODE: THAT CERTAIN CODE ENTITLED "NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, <br />1965 EDITION", TOGETHER WITH ITS ADDENDA, PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL <br />FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, SAVE AND EXCEPT SUCH PORTIONS THEREOF AS <br />ARE DELETED, MODIFIED, OR AMENDED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE LOS ALTOS <br />HILLS MUNICIPAL CODE: AND THAT CERTAIN CODE ENTITLED "UNIFORM PLUMB- <br />ING CODE, 1967 EDITION", TOGETHER WITH ITS APPENDICES, PUBLISHED BY <br />THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL OFFICIALS, <br />SAVE AND EXCEPT SUCH PORTIONS THEREOF AS ARE DELETED, MODIFIED, OR <br />AMENDED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE LOS ALTOS HILLS MUNICIPAL CODE: <br />PRESCRIBING CERTAIN PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS <br />THEREOF: AND REPEALING CERTAIN ORDINANCES AS SPECIFIED THEREIN <br />-5- <br />