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MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Corbett <br />and carried unanimously to accept the Antenna Committee's in-depth report <br />with appreciation and that the draft ordinance be referred to the Planning <br />Commission for their review and recommendations with the suggestion that a <br />maximum of two antennas be considered, that an antenna tower be limited to a <br />two foot square base, and that guy wires be restricted to existing setbacks. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 5: <br />REQUEST PERhIISSION TO ELIMINATE TRAFFIC HAZARD AT CORNER OF PURISSIMA AND <br />LA PALOMA ROAD. <br />Since vehicles traveling west on La Paloma wishing to make a right hand turn <br />onto Purissima must swing across the center line of Purissima, Staff proposed <br />a change in the layout of this corner to eliminate traffic hazard. The Town <br />Engineer estimated the project would cost $600.00 using the Town Maintenance <br />Men. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey ,moved, seconded by Helgesson <br />and carried by unanimous roll call vote that $600.00 be allocated to eliminate <br />the traffic hazard at the corner of Purissima and La Paloma Road, <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 6 <br />REQUEST FROM "PENINSULA ANIMAL WELFARE SOCIETY, INC." FOR LOS ALTOS HILLS TO <br />PARTICIPATE IN THE "SPAY AND NEUTER CLINIC". <br />Staff was requested to obtain additional information and if financial support <br />is implied to determine the amount expected from participants. <br />( UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 7: <br />br REQUEST FROM THE DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS TO APPROVE THE USE OF THE "FUNCTIONAL <br />CLASSIFICATION" FOR DETERMINING FEDERAL AID SYSTEMS. <br />Staff reported on the request from the Division of Highways, presented maps <br />provided and noted the portion of Arastradero and Page Mill Roads, and E1 <br />Monte and Moody Road to Page Mill receiving Federal Aid. Staff recommended <br />acceptance of the Division of Highways "Functional Classification" for these <br />areas. <br />NOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Corbett <br />and carried unanimously to adopt the Functional Classification for determining <br />Federal Aid Systems as requested by the the Divisions of Highways. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 8: <br />REPORT ON COSTS FOR A SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOR TOWN HALL. <br />The Town Engineer reported that a second estimate for installing a sprinkler <br />system had been received from Advanced Engineering. The cost would be $6000. <br />Council discussion noted the current tight budget would not allow this type <br />of expenditure this fiscal year. A less costly _system was discussed which <br />was activated by means of a heat sensing device and sounded an alarm at a <br />central monitoring location. Staff was requested to arrange for the represents <br />tive from Westinghouse to make a presentation on this system. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 9• <br />REQUEST FROM PALO ALTO RE: OUR INTEREST IN PARTICIPATING IN A "MID -PENINSULA <br />PLANNING STUDY" <br />Staff presented a oopy of a letter from Kirke W. Comstock, Mayor of Palo Alto, <br />solicitnng the Town's cost participation in a "Mid -Peninsula" planning study. <br />Council concurred to refer this request to Planning Commission for their commen <br />-4- <br />