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UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 6: <br />CONSIDER AN APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS TO PERMIT TOWN PLANNER TO PARTICIPATE IN <br />THE "HILLSIDE STUDY". <br />Staff reviewed that in early 1970, the Town had requested LAFCO to postpone <br />the establishment of the sphere of influence boundary line between Cupertino <br />and Los Altos Hills until a mountain study could be made of the area bordering <br />the two cities, and the land between. Due to delay in funding, the Hillside <br />Committee was just formed and the Town was now asked to provide Council and <br />Planning Commission representation as well as have a staff member attend its <br />Technical Advisory Sub -Committee meetings. Mr. Fritschle noted that the <br />first meeting had been attended by the Tawe Engineer, since the budget did <br />not include funds for the Town Planner to attend. He estimated an additional <br />$700 would be required to enable the Planner to attend these meetings during <br />the balance of this fiscal year and since this would necessitate drawing from <br />the General Fund Reserve, he recommended against this expenditure. <br />Councilman Davey urged that the Council designate a Councilman and Planning <br />Commissioner to represent the Tarn on the Hillside Committee, of which she <br />was Chairman, and that planning funds be allocated to enable participation <br />by the Town Planner. She noted that this study had been undertaken in <br />response to the Tom's request and that the resultant Committee formed had <br />assumed representation of the Town's professional Planner would be provided <br />to its Technical Advisory Commitee. The other members of the Council ex- <br />pressed concern over further "dipping" into the Reserve Fund, noting that <br />the Planning budget had already been increased by $1200 this year from its <br />original allocation to accomplish updating of the Zoning Ordinance. Mayor <br />Benson stated he had asked the Planning Commission for a representative but <br />had not as yet received an indication of interest and as far as the Council <br />representation, Councilman Davey as Chairman of the Committee should fulfill <br />this need. AsthePlanning Commission representative to the Council, <br />Commissioner Perkins stated his willingness to attend whenever his schedule <br />allowed but he noted his attendance would not substitute for the "professional <br />expertise" of the Town Planner. Floor comments were heard from Mees. D. <br />Miller and J. McIlwraith. <br />Following lengthy discussion, the majority of the Council concurred that <br />additional funding for the Town Planner's participation could not be pro- <br />vided and therefore his participation would be limited to that allowed under <br />existing retainer fee. The Town Engineer was requested to attend the Tech- <br />nical Advisory group meetings, whenever Mr. Mader could not do so under his <br />retainer. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 7n <br />CLAIM FOR DAMAGES TO CAR ($74.80) CAUSED BY ACCIDENT AT LA CRESTA AND ANACAPA-- <br />A.H. SACKS. <br />Staff reported on a claim presented by Mr. A. H. Sacks for damages to his <br />automobile in the amount of $74.80. He claimed the accident was caused by <br />loose gravel on the road and therefore the Town should reimburse him for this <br />amount. Staff recommended that the Town deny this claim. Council discussion <br />concurred. <br />MOTION, SECCHDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Cor- <br />ftW bett, and carried unanimously that the claim presented to the Town by Mr. <br />A. H. Sacks, 12682 Roble Veneno for damages to his automobile involved in <br />an accident at the corner of La Cresta and Anacapa be denied. <br />-4- <br />