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UNSCHEDU[8D ITEM ND, 8 <br />REPORT FROM' NOISH AHATBMBNT COMMITTEE. <br />Since the State Division of Highways had not acted on a request from the Noise <br />Abatement Committee, this report was continued to the November 15th meeting. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 9: <br />RBPORT FROG PLANNING COMMISSION RE: ABANDONMENT OF PATHWAY EASEMENTS IN <br />ROSEHILL ESTATES NO. 1. <br />Staff reported on the Planning Commission meeting of October 26th, when they <br />recommended the abandonment of certain easements in Rosehill Estates No. 1, <br />Staff stated that the next action to be taken was for the Council to set a <br />date for a Public Hearing to hear arguments for or against the abandonment. <br />Council concurred to set a Public Hearing re: abandonment of easements in <br />Rosehill Estates No. 1 for 8:00 P.M. on December 6, 1971, <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 10: <br />REPORT FROM PLANNING COMMISSION RE: <br />STUDY", SUPPORT OF THE "MID -PENINSULA PLANNING <br />Staff reviewed the Planning Commission recommendation that the City Council <br />express their interest in the Mid -Peninsula Planning Study and send a letter <br />to Palo Alto so stating. Although the Counties of San Mateo and Santa Clara <br />have resubmitted an application for State financing for this study, these <br />funds are not yet approved. Palo Alto wishes to begin the preliminary <br />collection of data prior to receipt of these Funds, (if forthcoming) to <br />preclude further delay in accomplishing completion of the Mid -Peninsula Study. <br />Council discussion noted agreement in concept but conditioned this expression <br />of interest, whereby if financial participation from the Town is expected to <br />accomplish this study, the amount of funds expected from Los Altos Hills <br />must first be approved by the Council. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 11: <br />REQUEST FOR PERMISSION TO OBTAIN LAND APPRAISAL ON THE LOT AT THE NORTHEAST <br />CORNER OF EDITH AND FREMONT ROADS. <br />Staff reported Mr. Richard Glidden, one of the owners of the parcel at the <br />northeast comer of Edith and Fremont, might consider its dedication to the <br />Town if the Town would obtain a land appraisal satisfactory for Internal <br />Revenue pruposes. Staff recommended authorization of the appraisal which <br />would cost no more than $100.00. <br />MOTION, SECONDED, AND CARRIED: Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by Davey, <br />and carried by unanimous roll call vote that the City Manager be authorized <br />to expend $100.00 to proceed with the appraisal of the parcel at the north- <br />east corner of Edith and Fremont Road. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 12: <br />STAFF REPORTS <br />kw 1. Mr. Fritschle noted that Los Altos Hills could not participate in HUD <br />grants, since the Town did not qualify under its four criteria. <br />-5- <br />