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Irr <br />NOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by Helgessm, <br />that the request for Building Site Approval of Bassett Lane Associates (BSA - <br />71 -71) be approved in accordance with the check list as amended December 20, <br />1971, carried by the following roll call vote. Ayes: Councilmen Corbett, <br />Davey, Helgesson and Mayor Benson. Noes: Grabowski, <br />SCHEDULEDITEM NO, 4: <br />ACTION ON WIG LEGISLATIVE MATTERS - COUNCILMAN GRABOWSKI. <br />Councilmen Grabowski requested and Council concurred to continue this item <br />(discussion of Resolution #647) to January 17, 1972. <br />UNSCMDUH,ED ITEM NO. 1: <br />REPORT ON ACTIONS OF PLANNING COMMISSION RE: AMENDMENTS TO TOWN'S ZONING <br />ORDINANCE NO. 78 FOR ANTENNA CONTROL. <br />Staff presented a letter from Dr. R. C. Smithwick, Chairman of the Antenna <br />Committee, which had been prepared in response to the six objections to the <br />Committee's proposed ordinance governing antennas that were expressed by the <br />Planning Commission. Staff also reviewed the referenced camments expressed <br />by the Planning Commission at their public hearing held November 22, 1971. <br />Council discussion ensued with floor participation from Mr/Mrs. B. J. Georgia; <br />LMessrs: N. Gordon, W. Wegener; A. M. Laws, and Mies. D. Miller and N. No- <br />Ilwraith. The Council concurred that the Planning Commission should be <br />allowed to review Dr. Smithwickls comments, and perhaps through a meeting of <br />the minds convince the Committee to study their suggestions seriously with <br />the intent of modifying the ordinance draft so that the Planning Commission <br />could find it acceptable for recommendation to the Council. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: <br />RBFORr FROM PLANNING COMMISSION ON REQUEST TO ABANDON PORTIONS OF EQUESTRIAN <br />TRAIL BASEMENTS IN RHUS RIDGE RANCHO SUBDIVISION. <br />Staff reviewed the December 13, 1971 public hearing held by the Planning <br />Commission, when they recommended abandonment of a portion of the 601 <br />wide equestrian trail easement along the east side of the Rhus Ridge subdivi- <br />sion as requested by Mr, Dan Dana, applicant. <br />Council concurred to set a public hearing for January 17, 1971 to consider <br />abandonment of a portion of this 601 wide trail easement. <br />UNSCHHDULED Ir NO. 3: <br />BYRNB PR <br />RES <br />RVE - DISCUSSION, <br />Staff reviewed that the Pathway Committee had made several recommendations <br />at the last Council meeting regarding the lease of Byrne Preserve for pastur- <br />ing horses. Mr. Fritschle noted that he had earlier been requested by the <br />Council to negotiate with all interested parties to arrive at the most desir- <br />able lease arrangement. He stated that the current leasee, Mr. R. Thomas, as <br />well as Altamont Stables had indicated their interest, but neither had yet <br />proposed terms they considered acceptable. <br />-3- <br />