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SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1: Little League Property cont'd.: <br />Staff presented financial projection of the Land Acquisition Fund, noting <br />that,with the purchase of the Little League property, the Land Acquisition <br />Fund would reach a maximum estimated deficit of $47,400.00 between 7/1/72 <br />and 4/1/73; that this deficit would be financed by borrowing from the General <br />Fund, which would lower the estimated General Fund Nonrestricted Balance and <br />the present $50,000.00 to an estimated minimum of $15,000.00. Staff noted <br />the deficit in the Land Acquisition Fund would be eliminated by 7/1/78 and <br />the purchase of Byrne Preserve and the Little League property completed. <br />Council discussion ensued with Floor participation by: Gerald Ferrari, <br />25800 Altamont Road; Bob Ward, 12910 Robleda Road, Little League President; <br />and Mrs. F. Olgiati, 25960 Vinedo Lane. <br />Council requested City Attorney to determine if a "No Penalty Clause for <br />Pre -payment" could be added to the lease purchase agreement. <br />Council concurred Staff should pursue possible assistance by Crosby Founda- <br />tion grant, which would be on a matching dollar basis. <br />Council unanimously concurred that they were on record supporting only the <br />Little League purchase, until Land Acquisition Fund commitments are amortized. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: <br />REPORT ON VARIOUS DISPOSAL MEANS FOR AGRICULTURAL CLIPPINGS. <br />Communication from John S. Ewing, 27811 Lupine Road, suggesting the Town <br />purchase small chippers to be rented. City Manager reviewed alternate <br />disposal means, recommending residents make arrangements with the local <br />garbage collection company or investigate private purchase of small chippers. <br />Council discussion ensued, with Floor participation by Mrs. D. Miller and <br />Mr. Frank Olgiati. <br />Council requested Staff to check with local renting agencies to determine if <br />small chippers would be made available for rent to Tann residents. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3: <br />AUTHORIZATION FOR LEGAL ACTION TO DEFEND THE TOWN IN SUPERIOR COURT ACTION <br />NO. P17408 (Adobe Creek Lodge). <br />City Attorney noted Mr. David Bellucci had filed the above action seeking <br />declaratory relief and an injunction to prevent enforcement of the Town's <br />Zoning Ordinance. City Attorney recommended Mr. Faber L. Johnston, Jr. be <br />authorized to defend the Town in the above action. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by <br />Benson, that the City Council authorize Mr. Faber L. Johnston, Jr. to take <br />all actions necessary to defend the Tann in the Santa Clara County Superior <br />Court Action No. P17408, was carried unanimously by roll call vote. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1• <br />HANSEN, PETER (V-338-69) - Request for reduction of side setback for tool <br />house of 1712" to 12110"; and reduction of side setback for pool equipment <br />house of 13' to 17' at 23660 Ravensbury Avenue. <br />Staff report was presented noting the structures had been built without <br />obtaining a building permit and that the Planning Commission recommended <br />the variance be granted due to the fact that there were no objections from <br />neighbors and no adjoining properties were adversely affected. <br />-3- <br />