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UNSCHEDULED ITEM N0. 9: <br />APPOINTMENT TO THE LOS ALTOS LIBRARY COMMISSION. <br />Communication was reviewed from Mrs. Frederick T. Adams, P. O. Box 1360, <br />Los Altos, advising her term on the Los Altos Library Commission expired <br />in December and requesting a replacement. <br />NOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Benson moved, seconded by Helgesson <br />and carried unanimously that the City Council recommend the appointment Of <br />Mrs. James Piper, 10650 Magdalena Road, to the Los Altos Library Commission. <br />Council concurred their appreciation should be expressed to Mrs. Adams <br />for her four years of service. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Fowle moved, seconded by Helgesson <br />and carried unanimously by roll call vote that the Staff proceed with the <br />preparation of framed, parchment acknowledgments for citizens serving the <br />Town on Committees, Commissions, etc. <br />STAFF REPORTS: <br />CITY MANAGER: <br />1. Tentative approval had been received for Rosehill Estates Unit #2 and <br />Sewer Assessment District #6 to pump sewage to the Los Altos Basin and <br />arrangements were being finalized by Staff. <br />2. Noted a Study Session on the proposed Horse Ordinance had been requested <br />early in January. Council concurred this should be agended January 19 at <br />8:00 P. M. <br />3. Noted enforcement on requirement of business licenses will be increased. <br />4. Reviewed Billing Agreements between the State, County and Town on safety <br />lighting on Page Mill Road. <br />5. Stated Staff is continuing review of the drainage problem in the vicinity <br />of Berryhill Farm. <br />ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER: <br />1. Noted two (2) terms on the City Council will be up for election at the <br />April 14, 1970 Municipal Election and the candidates could file nomination <br />papers between January 29 and 12:00 Noon on February 19, 1970, <br />2. At previous Council request, a six month financial report was being <br />prepared. Council concurred this matter should be agended February 2, 1970. <br />ORDINANCES• <br />1. ORDINANCE NO. 141, establishing drainage assessment fund and drainage <br />charges on new development. Second Reading. <br />Mayor Aiken stated that based on review of information prepared by Councilman <br />Helgesson and the Town -wide Drainage Citizens Committee, he recommended a <br />shift in the balance of drainage charges from the presently proposed <br />$600.00 per new approved building site and .030 per square foot of area <br />covered by building permits. Mayor Aiken suggested the charges be changed <br />to $400.00 for each new approved building site and .06F per square foot for <br />new building permits, noting that if this change were approved, this would <br />again constitute a First Reading of the ordinance and a Second Reading would <br />be required at a later meeting. <br />WE <br />