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4 UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: Packard Tentative Map cont'd.: <br />1) A strip 30' from the centerline for the entire Taaffe Road frontage be <br />dedicated for road purposes. <br />2) A 10' path easement centered along the existing path which runs along <br />Taaffe Road be dedicated. <br />3) Conditional Exception be approved to all sections of Ordinance #69 re- <br />quiring improvements, based on the fact that no new building sites are being <br />created by the lot line change. <br />4) Parcel Map to be allowed to be filed in lieu of Final Map, subject to <br />requirement of a $50.00 deposit for engineering services. <br />5) A recorded easement be required on the A. H. Back property for existing <br />guest cottage drainlines. <br />Applicant's attorney, Nathan C. Finch, requested the application be <br />continued to February 2nd to allow the exact location of the existing trail <br />to be determined. Council concurred. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3: <br />REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME ON GAS TAX PROJECT #22. <br />City Manager reviewed justifiable work delays and recommended an extension <br />beyond January 16, 1970 of ten (10) working days for completion of the <br />contract,with the City Engineer charged with the determination of working <br />days and a penalty to be assessed following expiration of the ten (10) <br />working days. <br />AW MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Benson moved, seconded by Helgesson <br />and carried unanimously, that the City Council accept the City Engineer's <br />recommendations and authorize an extension of ten (10) working days. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 4: <br />BEQUEST FOR AUTHOP.IZATION ENGINEERING ALONG FREMONT ROAD, BETWEEN SEVEN <br />ACRES LANE AND W. EDITH. <br />City Manager requested authorization to proceed with engineering for <br />vehicular and pedestrian safety. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Benson moved, seconded by Helgesson <br />and carried unanimously by roll call vote, that traffic engineering be <br />authorized along Fremont Road, between Seven Acres Lane and West Edith. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 5: <br />REQUEST OF GERTRUDE HINTON, 11571 BUENA VISTA DRIVE FOR EXCEPTION TO THE <br />MORATORIUM ON DEVELOPMENT AND BUILDING IN THE VICINITY OF CENTRAL DRIVE. <br />Mayor Aiken stated the Council is on record indicating they will consider <br />reasonable exclusions to the moratorium on development, which expires <br />April 15, 1970. The City Manager stated the preliminary plan for the <br />moratorium area will be before the Planning Commission near the end of <br />February. <br />Mrs. Hinton stated she would defer hex request for an exception to the <br />40 moratorium until these plans had been submitted to the Town. <br />-3- <br />