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UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO.1: Noise Abatement Committee Report cont'd.: <br />Committee member to provide liason with Sacramento; Council concurred the <br />proposed members should be appointed. <br />b) Requested permission to ask Harold W. Lindsay, 13151 W. Sunset Drive; <br />Vaughn L. Shahinian, 1185 Mora Drive, Los Altos; and Dr. Karl D. Kryter, <br />13725 Robleda Road, to serve as volunteer consultants to the Noise Abatement <br />Committee; Council concurred. <br />c) Requested Council concurrence to resubmit as separate legislation <br />previous resolution re noise abatement controls adopted by the Council and <br />forwarded to the League of California Cities. Council concurred. <br />d) Recommended comprehensive questionnaire be distributed at Town expense <br />to residents along Interstate 280, irrespective of jurisdiction. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by <br />Benson and carried unanimously by roll call vote, that the City Council <br />authorize a maximum of $250.00 for the proposed questionnaire. <br />Councilman Benson suggested a memo be presented to the Peninsula Division <br />of the League of California Cities; Council concurred Deputy Mayor Benson <br />should work with Chairman Miller in this regard. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: <br />PACKARD, DAVID (364-69) Tentative Map, 2 lots, 39 acres, Taaffe Road. <br />George S. Nolte Assoc., Engr. <br />Continued to February 16 meeting. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3: <br />STAFF REPORTS: <br />City Manager: <br />1. Reviewed letter from Santa Clara County Sheriff Charles J. Prelsnik re <br />mini -bike nuisance and parking on Town pathways. <br />2. Presented mileage allowance report, noting actual recorded average <br />monthly expenses for the City Manager were $151.63, and for the Building <br />Inspector, $180.55; recommended no change from the present $150.00 per month <br />mileage allowance. <br />3. Submitted letter from Dennis R. Lahr, Assistant City Manager, tendering <br />resignation effective February 28, 1970. <br />PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR: <br />1. Mrs. Florence Fava, 26671 Moody Road, complained at motorbike noise <br />emanating from Parkside Subdivision on the hillside opposite the water tanks; <br />referred to County Sheriff and Staff requested to have Highway Patrol <br />increase motorbike inspection. <br />2. Mr, Peter R. Hughes, 13198 La Cresta Drive, stated residential burglaries <br />were on the increase and suggested additional patrol immediately; Law <br />Enforcement Committee currently reviewing police service. <br />4 OTHER BUSINESS BY COUNCILMEN: <br />1. Councilman Davey requested excess fill within the Town be utilized at <br />the corner of Fremont and Arastradero Road. <br />-3- <br />