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L7 <br />4W <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 7: <br />CONSIDERATICN OF XU—MRIZING FINANCIAL SERVICES. <br />City Manager presented request to contract with Mr. Dennis R. Lahr for <br />financial services. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Benson moved, seconded by <br />Helgesson and carried unanimously by roll call vote, that Dennis R. Lahr <br />be retained on a consulting basis at the rate of $100.00 per month up to <br />three months, plus $10.00 an hour as needed for procedural and financial <br />instruction. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 9: <br />POSSIBLE ACTION ON PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION RE: SPHERE OF <br />INFLUENCE BOUNDARIES. <br />City Manager presented Staff report noting the General Plan Committee and <br />the Planning Commission recommended that the area (Westridge Shopping Center) <br />between Permanente Creek and the Freeway be not included in the Los Altos <br />Hills sphere of influence boundary,but that our line follow Permanente <br />Creek after it leaves the top of Kaiser Ridge. <br />Council unanimously concurred with the Planning Commission recommendation <br />that no Los Altos Hills sphere of influence boundary lines be established <br />until the study of the mountain mass complex is made. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: <br />DISCUSSION OF CAPACITY CHARGES FOR SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 6. <br />City Manager presented Staff report, noting the Town is presently under <br />contractual obligation to Palo Alto for sewage capacity charges and will not <br />release us from this commitment. Since Los Altos feels they will be handling <br />the sewage, they should not be expected to do this without their regular <br />hook-up fee, capacity charge and reimbursement to Foothill College and <br />Purissima. Therefore, it appears, if S.A.D. #6 is to continue, there must <br />be added $450.00 per unit of benefit to the figure previously quoted ($5,435), <br />which will bring each unit of benefit to $5,885.00. <br />Council discussion ensued concerning this cost increase, drainage costs <br />from unnatural outflow, consolidation of S.A.D. Nos. 6 and 7; with Floor <br />participation by Mr. Richard Morton, 12570 Roble Ladera; B. J. Soares, <br />750 Newell Road, Palo Alto; Mr, P. Dammann, 26856 and Thomas Marshall, <br />25560 Altamont Road, a.m.e.N <br />Mr. Philip Assaf, Bonding Counsel, stated a resolution - No. 585 - had been <br />prepared calling for notification of assessment increase to property owners, <br />publication in newspapers, and that a Public Hearing be scheduled for <br />April 6, 1970. <br />RESOLUTION ND. 585, a resolution of the City Council of the Town of Los <br />Altos Hills: intent to make modifications and changes, Sewer Assessment <br />District No. 6. <br />MOTION, SECCNDRD AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by <br />Benson and carried unanimously by roll call vote that Resolution No. 585 be <br />4 adopted. <br />-3- <br />