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City Council Minutes
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4/19/2016 1:28:04 PM
Creation date
7/29/2015 8:32:48 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3: <br />DISCUSSION OF TURN POLICE PP.OIECTION. <br />Councilman Davey reported some of the information given by the Sheriff's <br />Department to the Council at the February 5 and 16 meetings,pertaining to the <br />Sheriff's ability to provide additional personnel to the Tam, was incorrect. <br />1. In a conversation with Undersheriff Geary, she was told additional protection <br />could be provided on an emergency basis within two weeks at the regular <br />hourly rate; while the Council was told it would not be available for two to <br />three months. <br />2. Furthermore, if the Council is to meet the community's law enforcement <br />needs, they need in order to reach decisions, not only the correct informa- <br />tion, but to adequately research the upcoming long range recommendations of <br />the Law Enforcement Committee. It is recommended that the Council employ an <br />outside professional consultant expert in the problems of police protection. <br />3. In addition, we should (a) publish and distribute a pamphlet on how <br />citizens can help reduce burglaries and an emergency phone sticker with the <br />Sheriff's number on it; (b) consider an ordinance on public meetings in the <br />community; (c) traffic problems on Robleda and E1 Monte around the College; <br />and (d) the need for regulation of burglar alarm salesmen, as well as an <br />evaluation of the burglar alarms. <br />Mr. C. B. Marron, Field Enforcement Supervisor of the Sheriff's Office, <br />responded from the Floor to Councilman Davey's initial remarks: <br />1) Assistance would take nearly three months, due to the timing involved. <br />This sequence would entail presenting the city's request to the Sheriff's <br />Department, who would in turn then submit the request to the County Council <br />to the Executive - to the Board of Supervisors, who would approve and then <br />recruitment and training of additional personnel. Also at the time of <br />Mr. Geary% statement, seven applications were on file, allowing a reserve to <br />draw from. New there are only two. <br />2) As to a professional study, that would be a Council decision, but most <br />information desired for an evaluation of law enforcement problems will be <br />available shortly from Data Processing. <br />3) a. Approximately 8,000 pamphlets were delivered to the City. (Mayor <br />requested Staff to investigate.) <br />b. Suggested since we are approaching a new budget period, consideration <br />should be given to increasing the current contracted ten hours. Additional <br />beat coverage would allow more immediate response. <br />C. Sheriff's Department is not in a position to evaluate any particular <br />burglar alarm system. <br />Mayor Aiken stated that during the period from February 19 to March 2, there <br />had been no residential burglaries reported in Los Altos Hills, while the <br />burglary rate in the County adjacent to the Town has had five in the same <br />period. Wells Fargo Security Guard Services went to work in Town on <br />February 19. He stated that this record of no burglaries probably would not <br />continue, as burglaries occur in cities that have large police departments. <br />Mayor Aiken stated that one of the advantages of this private patrol was <br />their flexibility in being able to provide a second vehicle in Town on short <br />notice. <br />-e- <br />
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