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UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3: <br />SHERMAN, WILLIAM L. (BSA -57-69) Building Site Approval for 1 lot, 1.00 acres, <br />Vinedo Lane. <br />4W MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Benson <br />and carried unanimously, that the request of William L. Sherman (BSA -57-69) <br />for building site approval for 1 lot, Vinedo Lane, be approved, subject to <br />the requirements of the Check List except that Additional Condition No. 4, <br />Condition No. 1 of the Los Altos Fire Department letter dated January 28, <br />1970 is hereby amended to allay the condition that the occupant may have one <br />year to install a fire hydrant to the exi.-t.;oo n Vinedo Lane by <br />a 4" pipe interconnected to the two tanks. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 4: <br />VOORHEES, VANDERVEER (365-69) Tentative Map, 4 lots, 12 acres, E1 Monte Road. <br />E. H. Smith, Engr. <br />City Manager submitted request for Tentative Map approval for the Voorhees <br />Subdivision. Council discussion ensued regarding the location of pathways <br />and road access to E1 Monte. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Fowls, moved, seconded by Helgesson, <br />that the Tentative Map of Vanderveez Voorhees (365-69) be approved, subject <br />to the conditional approval of the Check List with the exception of the <br />pathway location, was carried by the following majority voice vote, Council- <br />man Davey voting "No". <br />Further Floor discussion ensued regarding the safety hazards around the <br />access to E1 Monte Road and feasibility of the internal pathway access, with <br />Floor participation by Mr. A. J. Traficanti, applicant's attorney, Mrs. M. <br />AW Saviano, Pathway Committee Chairman, Mr. R. Zeh, representing the Roman <br />Catholic Church, Mrs. R. Incerpi, 12700 E1 Monte Road, Commissioner L. Dawson, <br />A, M. Laws, 11210 Hooper Lane. <br />Due to no unanimity of thought, Council concurred to return the Tentative Map <br />to the Planning Commission for further study regarding pathway easements and <br />road access. <br />MOTION WITHDRAWN: Councilman Fowles with the consent of the Seconder, <br />withdrew the Motion to approve conditionally the Tentative Map of Dr. V. <br />Voorhees. <br />UNSCHEDULED NO. 5: <br />DISCUSSION OF COMMUNICATION FROM DONALD L. EVERINGHAM REQUESTING SUPPORT <br />FOR ACCESS ABANDONMENT ON BURKE LANE. <br />City Manager presented communication and petition dated February 17, 1970 <br />from Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Everingham, 25620 Burke Lane, requesting the <br />Council to support their petition for access abandonment of a 1926 agreement <br />to Burke Lane and that the Council verify that a condition of the granting of <br />the Munoz Building Site Approval at 13460 Robleda Road was that Munoz access <br />be from Robleda Road only. <br />Mr. Sam Morley, attorney for Mr. Robert Munoz, addressed the Council stating <br />his case was private litigation. City Attorney confirmed Mr. Morley's <br />statement. <br />` Floor discussion ensue(j concerning the abandonment of the 1926 agreement, by <br />Messrs. D. L. Everingham and R. Munoz, and Mmmes. Margaret Paskert, 13505 <br />Burke Road; E. Williams, 25611 Burke road; Kay Bewley, 13470 Burke Road; and <br />-5- <br />