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UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 5: Everingham cont'd.: <br />( Ruth Holly, 13454 Robleda Road. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Mayor Aiken moved, seconded by Fowle and <br />carried unanimously, that a public hazard would be created as a result of <br />this through road and it was the Council's desire not to support a through <br />road. <br />RECESS: 11:05 - 11:11 P. M. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 6: <br />CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST OF DEER PARK ACRES SUBDIVISION FOR EXTENSION OF <br />TIPS TO FILE FINAL MAP. <br />Staff presented letter dated February 13, 1970 from Richard H. Guelich III, <br />President of Page Mill Park, Inc., requesting a one year extension for the <br />filing of final map for the Deer Park Acres Subdivision. Tentative approval <br />was granted on August 19, 1968. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Benson moved, seconded by Fowle <br />and carried unanimously, that an extension of one year to February 19, 1971 <br />be granted to Page Mill Park, Inc. to allow the filing of a Final Map for <br />Deer Park Acres Subdivision. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 8: <br />CONSIDERATION OF ESTABLISHING SEWER CONNECTION CHARGE FOR ALTAMDNT TRUNK LINE. <br />Staff report was presented noting the desirability of establishing a Los Altos <br />Basin Sewer Fund and a Town connection charge for each residence which <br />had not contributed to the sewer construction of the Altamont trunk line. <br />A $100.00 connection fee would be paid by each connection made in Sewer <br />Assessment District No. 6 and Parkside Subdivision, Unit #1, and any other <br />area that may in the future develop and use the Altamont trunk line. The <br />fund would be for maintenance and operation in the Los Altos Drainage Basin. <br />Staff noted the $100.00 charge per connection was included in the cost <br />figure for S.A.D. # 6. <br />Council discussion ensued regarding recomputations whenever new hook-ups are <br />made so that all users pay their fair share in the construction and use, <br />with Floor participation by Mr. Thomas Marshall,25560 Altamont Road and Mr. <br />A. M. Laws. <br />City Manager explained that recomputation would be administratively impracti- <br />cal, due to constant additions. Council concurred. <br />MOTION AND SECOND: Councilman Benson moved, seconded by Fowle, the <br />acceptance of the proposed $100.00 charge. <br />City Attorney stated he had prepared a proposed ordinance (Ord. No. 167), <br />which would accomplish imposition of this $100.00 connection charge to all <br />new connections to the Altamont trunk line, as well as encompass the following <br />additional requirements. <br />1) Impose such $276.00 charge on the few random connections in the Manuella/ <br />Miranda area (connecting to Los Altos sewer facilities) who are in S.A.D. #4, <br />and thus who did not pay the $276.00 plus 7% interest compounded annually, <br />and also imposes the charge on anyone else connecting to Los Altos facilities. <br />2) Establishes a special Los Altos Basin Fund. <br />