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COMMUNICATIONS cont'd.: <br />5. Letter from Mrs. Elizabeth Dana, 26874 Moody Road, requesting considers - <br />5 tion for an ordinance restricting the cutting of trees. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Grabowsi moved, seconded by <br />Helgesson and carried unanimously, that this subject be referred to the <br />Tree Committee for study and that they recommend their findings to Staff <br />in time for the June 15th Agenda. <br />From the Floor, Mrs, D. A. Miller, 13076 Vista del Valle Court, stated the <br />City Attorney had several ordinances from other communities on this subject <br />and felt an ordinance directed towards this end and applicable to new sub- <br />divisions would be desirable. <br />6. Protest letter from Mr. Richard B. Oliver, 2449 Border Road, Los Altos, <br />objecting to drainage fees in connection with his building site. City <br />Attorney will review this matter with Mr. Oliver. <br />7. Planning Policy Committee Minutes of April 23, 1970 reporting on <br />Baylands Study Progress. <br />B. Letter from Mr. Charles R. Garbett, 13906 Page Mill Road, calling <br />attention to the dangerous traffic conditions on Page Mill Road just south <br />and west of Arastradero Road and requested immediate attention and action. <br />Thirty-one (31) neighbors and residents also signed the request. Council <br />directed Staff to utilize appropriate warning signs and other traffic aids <br />as required. <br />1. vJoint Staff report on the Housing Element Study will be presented <br />June 1st at 7:00 P. M. in the San Jose Council Chambers. <br />2. The Joint Study Session of the Planning Commission will be held with <br />Palo Alto on May 20, 1970. Councilman Helgesson and Commissioner Weisbart <br />are to attend. <br />3. City Manager read a letter from Mr. Jack Kilburn, which included a drawing <br />showing the details for his proposed retainer wall on Anacapa Drive. <br />4. Los Altos Hills Association will sponsor Sheriffs' Candidates Night <br />at Fremont Hills School on May 19, 1970 at 8:00 P. M. <br />5. Notice of prehearing of Pacific Telephone's request for rate increases <br />to be scheduled before the PUC on June 8 at 10:00 A. M. in the Commission <br />Courtroom, 350 McAllister Street, San Francisco. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1: <br />PUBLIC HEARING ON UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1. <br />City Manager stated the proposed underground utility district extended along <br />each side of Fremont Road from Concepcion to St. Francis. There is one <br />house located at the corner of St. Francis and Fremont that will have to <br />convert from overhead service to underground service, belonging to <br />Mr. Moulter. Following Council discussion, the subject was open to the <br />public hearing. <br />Mr. Moulter inquired as to the expense he may anticipate for this changeover. <br />4W Mr. Daniel Alexander, of Pacific Gas & Electric Co., estimated $150 to $200 <br />-2- <br />