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City Council Minutes
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Last modified
4/19/2016 1:28:32 PM
Creation date
7/29/2015 8:41:10 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1 - Underground Utility Dist. cont'd.: <br />to change the entry box and that since their ditching equipment would be <br />available, P. G. & E. would do the ditching required on Mr. Moulter's <br />property at cost. Mr. Moulter was agreeable to this arrangement. There being <br />no further discussion, the public hearing was closed at 8:15 P. M, and <br />Council agreed to hear the resolution establishing this underground district <br />under RESOLUTIONS later in the agenda. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: <br />PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE. <br />City Manager reviewed that this hearing was to consider the amendment to the <br />Zoning Ordinance, adding the use "convent" to the permitted uses in Section <br />5:30 b of Ordinance No. 76. It would also then define "convent". It was <br />explained that the change was necessary to allow consideration of a Use <br />Permit for the Daughters of Charity. <br />The subject was then opened to the public hearing and Floor speakers included: <br />Mr, A, M, Laws, 11210 Hooper Lane, Mr, Charles R, Garbett, Mrs, Donald E, <br />Spencer, 27490 Sherlock Road, and Mr. G. Ferrari, 25800 Altamont Road. <br />Discussion concerned whether the 3.5 density formula should be included in <br />the ordinance; whether it could be twisted to a commercial application; the <br />resultant tax status of the Daughters of Charity property for which this <br />zoning amendment was initiated; and the need for updating the zoning <br />ordinance, since a similar situation - St. Nicholas - currently existed <br />within the Town. <br />City Manager read a letter from the Los Altos Hills Association requesting <br />this change be given thorough and careful consideration, lest a precedent <br />be set detrimental to the Town. <br />Council discussion concluded a loophole existed in the current ordinance <br />and that the wording of the revision had been carefully reviewed and as <br />presented was the best possible protection to the Town's zoning policy and <br />yet could allow the consideration of the proposed Use Permit by the <br />Daughters of Charity. <br />There being no further discussion, the hearing was closed at 9:00 P. M. <br />and the Council agreed to hear the First Reading of the proposed change to <br />Ordinance No, 78 under ORDINANCES later in the agenda. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3: <br />PROPOSED NEW METHOD OF NOISE MEASUREMENT. <br />Councilman Aiken reviewed the problems of noise measurement and the <br />dif:=iculty of meter calibration necessary for certification to meet legal <br />requirements,and proposed a new method of noise measurement to help <br />determine when a noise source can be declared a nuisance. Instead of <br />saying an objectional noise is so many decibels loud, he proposed it be <br />measured against ambient noise. Thus at night, e.g., a daytime noise would <br />obviously be louder and more annoying than the same noise drowned out by <br />other daytime sounds. <br />Follcxing his presentation, which included the exhibit of the proposed <br />measuring device which cost approximately $40.00 and was about the size of <br />a home movie camera, Council concurred his proposal worthy of consideration. <br />Speaking from the Floor: Mrs. Harold L. Schick, 26400 Weston Road. <br />-3- <br />
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