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SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3: Noise measurement cont'd.: <br />f <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by <br />Helgesson and carried by majority voice vote, that this device be named and <br />referred to as the "Aiken Decibel Determination Method", Councilman Aiken <br />voting No. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Aiken moved, seconded by <br />Grabowski and carried unanimously, that this matter be referred to the <br />Noise Abatement Committee with the request they study it in detail and <br />make a recommendation to the Council, after which it would be proper for <br />the Council to refer it to the Planning Commission for public hearings. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM Nom: <br />APPROVAL OF RHPORT DATED MARCH 20, 1970 FROM THE NOISE ABATEMENT CCMMITTEE <br />AND REQUEST FOR PERMISSION TO CIRCULATE SAME. <br />City Manager reviewed that this report was submitted to the Council for <br />approval of distribution at the last meeting, but to allow more time for <br />their review, it was carried over. It was suggested that if the report is <br />approved by the Council for distribution, that it be sent out with a cover <br />letter from the City Council to add an official note to the report and <br />indicate the Town's endorsement. A letter from Mr. Don Miller, Chairman <br />of the Noise Abatement Committee, suggested the report be mailed out under <br />a cover letter signed by the Committee Chairman to "working equivalents" and <br />that it be sent out to official governmental bodies with a cover letter <br />signed by the Mayor. <br />�I MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by Aiken <br />and carried unanimously, that the "Progress Through Perseverance" report <br />prepared by the Los Altos Hills Noise Abatement Committee be accepted and <br />approved for circulation as a document of historical significance, with the <br />exception of Page 14; and further, that Page 14 of such document entitled <br />"Conclusion" be adopted as the official position of the Town, except for <br />the following amendment: insert in the second sentence of Page 14 the <br />words "through the Town", so that it reads, "We do, however, through the <br />Town hope to bring to bear those forces which will cause various agencies <br />to implement their responsibilities in this respect." <br />Council concurred that as an official Town report, it should be transmitted <br />under a cover letter signed by the Mayor and that this cover letter would <br />indicate that Page 14, as amended, would be the official Town policy. <br />Mr. D. A. Miller, Chairman of the Noise Abatement Committee, spoke from the <br />Floor. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: <br />LAIRS OF MC FARLANO 370-70) 7 lots, La Paloma Road. Engr. M. Wolff. <br />City Manager stated Mr. McFarland is asking for a slight amendment in his <br />Tentative Map, which was originally approved by the Planning Commission on <br />April 13, 1970 and by the City Council on April 20, 1970. The revision is <br />to relocate a private road off La Paloma to a less hazardous location, and <br />Staff recommended no change to the original Check List. <br />t MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Aiken <br />and carried unanimously that the revision as noted above on the Tentative <br />Map of McFarland (370-70) be approved, subject to the Original Check List <br />dated April 13, 1970. <br />_4_ <br />