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06 <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 7: <br />APPOINTMENT OF OFFICIAL TOWN HISTORIAN. <br />Staff advised the Council that Mr. George Pfeiffer, III, of 26970 Orchard <br />Hill Lane, had resigned as Town Historian because his business commitments <br />prevented him from properly fulfilling the duties of this appointment. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Aiken moved, seconded by <br />Helgesson and carried unanimously, that the official position of Town <br />Historian be established for a term of four years. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Aiken moved, seconded by <br />Helgesson and carried unanimously, that Mrs. Florence Fava, 26691 Moody Road, <br />be appointed to the official position of Town Historian for a term of <br />four years to May 189 1974. <br />Speaking from the Floor were Mrs. Florence Fava, who extended her apprecia- <br />tion to the Council for the appointment, and Mrs. Donald Spencer, who <br />complimented the Council in the selection of Mrs. Fava and lauded her <br />dedication to this effort. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 8: <br />APPOINTMENT OF COUNCIL <br />TO ICC, FLOOD CONTROL. <br />Councilman Leslie A. Helgesson was appointed to represent the Council at <br />Inter -City Council and Santa Clara County Flood Control meetings. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 9: <br />REQUEST FOR PERMISSION TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE <br />FOR A POPULATION ESTIMATE. <br />City Manager reported the State Department of Finance had been making popula- <br />tion estimates on an annual basis for several years and have indicated that <br />Los Altos Hills has gained 175 people in -the last year. Council was asked <br />to execute a contract with them, whereby they will pay to certify this <br />increase which will provide us with an additional $2,600.00 of in -lieu money <br />for the Fiscal Year 1970-71. The cost of this certification is $175.00. <br />Council discussion concurred that Staff's recommendation was desirable. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by <br />Aiken and carried by unanimous roll call vote, that the Town execute a <br />contract with Department of Finance for a population estimate and allocate <br />$175.00 to pay the cost of this certification. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 10: <br />REPORT AMID CONSIDERATION OF SECURITY PATROL SERVICES. <br />City Manager summarized the activities of the security patrol for the three <br />months contracted, and noted this service expires May 22nd. Staff also <br />stated that the Law Enforcement Committee did not recommend approval beyond <br />May 22nd and the determination whether to continue this service was <br />requested. <br />Council discussion ensued. Councilman Davey felt these funds were better <br />spent providing professional law enforcement. Councilmen Aiken, Helgesson, <br />and Grabowski pointed out that the security patrol provided more patrol for <br />the dollar expended, that their appearance in the area was a valuable <br />`, <br />deterrent to potential law breakers and that as any citizen, they could <br />make citizens' arrest, if necessary. <br />-6- <br />