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UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 10: Security Patrol Services cont'd.: <br />Speaking from the Floor were: Mr. Robert C. Cheney, 10737 Magdalena Road, <br />Mrs. F. Fava, Mrs. Harold Schick, Mr. Ken Young, Law Enforcement Chairman, <br />Mr. A. M. Laws, and Mrs. M. Saviano, Pathway Committee Chairman. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Aiken moved, seconded by <br />Grabowski, to continue contracting with Wells Fargo Security Guard Services <br />until the end of the Fiscal Year. The Motion was carried by majority roll <br />call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Aiken, Grabowski, Helgesson, Mayor Benson, <br />Noes: Councilman Davey. Absent: None. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 11: <br />CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE TO CONTROL PLANTINGS WHICH OBSTRUCT PUBLIC <br />PATHS. <br />City Manager stated there are many locations in Town adjacent to our public <br />paths where plantings have been allowed to grow out over the paths, making <br />them unuseable. Staff recommended that the Town adopt an ordinance which <br />would require every property owner to control such plantings so they would <br />not encroach upon Town paths. <br />From the Floor, Mrs. M. Saviano stated,in addition, residents consistently <br />put up man-made obstacles in the path right-of-way and that they should <br />also be required to remove them, as well as trim along side the path right- <br />of-way. <br />Council concurred that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission <br />4V for study and make recommendations to Council for action. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 12: <br />PRESENTATICH OF 1970-71 BUDGET. <br />The First Draft of the 1970-71 Budget was presented and briefly summarized <br />by the City Manager. Limited discussion was held pending in depth study by <br />the Council. The budget discussion will be agended for the Regular June 1st <br />meeting. <br />STAFF REPORTS: <br />City Manager reported on a communication from Mr. Donald A. Miller, Chairman <br />of the Noise Abatement Committee, referring to a newspaper article that they <br />had been delinquent in not issuing agendas and minutes. There was also a <br />referral to the Law Enforcement Committee in this same article, but Staff <br />stated neither of these Committees were guilty of these charges. <br />PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR: <br />Mr. T. Gamboa requested that the Town release his funds held for improvement <br />bonds as the bills for septic tanks were presented to him. Following City <br />Attorney's recommendations, Council reiterated their decision of April 20, <br />1970 that Mr. Gamboa first present letters from the four property owners <br />agreeing to release the Town of all obligations that the four lots be <br />connected to a sanitary sewer. <br />