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City Council Minutes
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Last modified
4/19/2016 1:28:36 PM
Creation date
7/29/2015 8:41:44 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1: <br />CONSIDERATION OF VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION FOR SECURITY PURPOSES. <br />Councilman Grabowski presented a proposal for a method of identifying <br />vehicles owned by people living in Los Altos Hills, so that the Security <br />Patrol and the Sheriff's Department could easily recognize a vehicle parked <br />in Town as belonging to the area. <br />Speaking from the Floor in support of the proposal were Mr. C. B. Marron, <br />Field Enforcement Supervisor of the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Department, <br />and Mr. Dan Burbank, Manager of the local Wells Fargo Security Guard Service. <br />Speaking against the proposal was Mrs. D. Miller, 13076 Vista del Valle Court. <br />Council concurred to give this proposal further study. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2• <br />CONSIDER ACTION ON LIONEL CAMPBELL'S SEWER CROSSING OF ADOBE CREEK. <br />City Manager had read at the last meeting, a letter from the County Flood <br />Control and Water District urging the Town to take action to have the private <br />sewer line of Mr. L. Campbell removed where it crosses the Adobe Creek. It <br />requested the line be relocated to hook into the sanitary sewer on Topa Way. <br />Staff had since checked the Town's records to see what type of permit was <br />issued for the construction of this line and found that a Plumbing Permit <br />was issued to S. & E. Plumbing of Redwood City, Permit #E-869, dated <br />March 8, 1961. No details were available showing where the sewer line was <br />to be run and no easements are shown on the subdivision map for Pink Horse <br />Ranch, Unit #1. However, the lot owned by Mr. Campbell extends clear to <br />Moody Road, including a portion of Adobe Creek and the subdivider, Mr. W. <br />Roscoe, claims that he did not need a special permit to run his sewer under <br />the creek as the creek was on the lot, which is now owned by Mr. Campbell. <br />Staff recommended that the Council declare this private sewer line a public <br />nuisance and require Mr. Campbell to relocate it. <br />Speaking from the Floor were Mr. Lloyd C. Fowler, of the Flood Control <br />District, and Mr. Bob Schultz, attorney for Mr. Campbell. <br />Council discussion reiterated their previous stand that this line did <br />constitute a public nuisance. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Aiken <br />and carried by unanimous roll call vote, that the Flood Control District <br />pursue all steps necessary to effect removal of this sewer line, which <br />constitutes a continuing nuisance and hazard to public health. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 5: <br />REQUEST FOR SUPPORT OF SB1400. <br />City Manager stated an organization called "Open Space Action" had formed <br />to support Senate Bill 1400. This bill provides the mechanism by which <br />open space, particularly around the Bay Area, can be preserved. <br />Council concurred to take no action without additional information as to <br />alternatives. <br />-3- <br />
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