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City Council Minutes
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7/29/2015 8:44:09 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: <br />640 DISCUSSION OF VEHICULAR I.D. IN LCS ALTOS HILLS. <br />Council discussion indicated the advantages were desirable, but it would create <br />administrative burdens as well as be ineffective if voluntary. Speaking from <br />the floor were Mrs. Priscilla Weisbart; Mrs. Frank Olgiati, 25960 Vinedo Lane; <br />Mr. Robert Cheney, 10737 Magdalena Road; and Mrs. Dominic Saviano, 12620 Corte <br />Madera Lane. <br />Council concurred that since the questionnaire results indicated a 50/50 split <br />among residents as to their desire that the Town have a vehicle I.D. decal, the <br />Council didn't feel there was a compelling need to have such identification <br />especially in view of the fact that legally it would have to be voluntary. <br />ORDINANCES: <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by Helgesson <br />and carried unanimously that in order to expedite business at hand that <br />Ordinances #173, #174 and #175 be taken up in order for debate at this time. <br />1. Ordinance No. 173 - Second Reading. <br />The City Attorney read the title of Ordinance No. 173, an ordinance establishing <br />class salary schedule for the Town of Los Altos Hills for the fiscal year <br />1970-71. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Mayor Benson <br />and carried unanimously by roll call vote, that further reading of Ordinance No. <br />173 be waived. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by <br />Mayor Benson that Ordinance No. 173 be adopted as read was carried unanimously <br />by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Davey, Grabowski, Helgesson, <br />Mayor Benson. Noes: None. Absent; Councilman Aiken. <br />2. Ordinance No. 174 - Second Reading, <br />The City Attorney read the title of Ordinance No. 174, an ordinance of the Town <br />of Los Altos Hills adopting a budget and fixing the amount of money to be raised <br />by taxation. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Mayor Benson <br />that further reading of Ordinance No. 174 be waived was carried by the following <br />roll call vote: Councilmen Grabowski, Helgesson, Mayor Benson, Noes: Councilman <br />Davey. Absent: Councilman Aiken. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Grabowski <br />that Ordinance No. 174 be adopted as read was carried by the following roll call <br />vote: Ryes: Councilmen Grabowski, Helgesson, Mayor Benson, Noes: Councilman <br />Davey. Absent: Councilman Aiken. <br />3. Ordinance No. 175 - Second Reading. <br />The City Attorney read the title of Ordinance No. 1752 an ordinance of the <br />Town of Los Altos Hills fixing the tax rate for the current year. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by <br />` Mayor Benson that further reading of Ordinance No. 175 be waived was carried <br />by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Grabowski, Helgesson, <br />Mayor Benson. Noes: Councilman Davey. Absent: Mayer Aiken. <br />-3- <br />
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