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ORDINANCES: Ordinance No. 175 cont'd. <br />to Discussion was then shifted to the Budget which was pertinent to passage of this <br />Ordinance. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2• <br />BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1970 -71 - <br />The City Manager presented a Fund Balance Sheet, which detailed the starting and <br />closing balances for 1969-70 and the starting and projected closing balances for <br />1970-71 of the General and Special Funds. <br />The discussion of in -lieu path receipts noted that anticipated receipts did not <br />materialize. Mrs. Saviano, Chairman of the Pathway Committee, requested they be <br />provided with a written summary of the status of this fund. Council directed <br />Staff to provide this information to the Committee. <br />Councilmen Davey stated the $86,000 in the General Fund at the beg i^ni n9 of <br />5.-t <br />fiscal year 1969-70 was reduced by $23,000 to $63,000 during the past year. To <br />offset this "deficit spending" due to land acquisition and security patrol she <br />proposed a $0.05 tax increase which could go toward payment of the security <br />patrol and wouldlrod& an additional $14,000 per year. Council noted that the <br />cost of the security patrol would be financed by the increased revenue from the <br />business licenses. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Grabowski, <br />that Ordinance No. 175, an ordinance of the Tows of Los Altos Hills fixing the <br />tax rate for the current year, be adopted based upon the $0.25 tax rate with the <br />option to increase the tax rate, should this need be determined prior to <br />October 1, 1970. Motion was carried by the following roll call vote: <br />Ayes: Councilmen Grabowski, Helgesson, Mayor Henson, Noes: Councilman Davey, <br />Absent: Councilman Aiken. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3: <br />RENEWAL OF CONTRACT FOR SHERIFF SERVICES FCR 1970 -71 - <br />City Manager recommended approval of the contract which will continue ten (10) <br />hours of additional Sheriff's service for the Fiscal Year 1970-71 at the rate <br />of $15.05 per hour. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Grabowski <br />that the Sheriff's services of ten (10) hours a day for Fiscal Year 1970-71 at the <br />rate of $15.05 per hour be approved was carried by the following roll call vote: <br />Ayes: Councilmen Davey, Grabowski, Helgesson and Mayor Benson. Noes: None. <br />Absent: Councilman Aiken. <br />UNSCSEIULED ITEM N0. 4: <br />DISCUSSION OF UNIFORM FIRE CODE. <br />City Manager noted the proposed uniform fire code was submitted to the Council <br />several weeks ago for their review and with the idea that Los Altos Hills might <br />adopt this Code with or without amendments. In addition to the County Fire <br />Marshal, Mr. John Bilker, floor participation included Mrs. Saviano, Mr. Cheney, <br />Fire Marshal Farwell, A. M. Laws and Commissioner Corbett, <br />4, Council discussion ensued and reservations were noted that adoption of the Code <br />was subject to interpretation and that a change in the Fire Marshal might prove <br />-4- <br />