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City Council Minutes
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4/19/2016 1:28:55 PM
Creation date
7/29/2015 8:47:16 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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PARRSME UNITS #2 and #3 cont'd.: <br />Mr. lambert also requested that the Council in hearing his appeal consider <br />that this revised map was submitted in response to the Town's wishes that <br />lots on Moody Court and Moody Road be eliminated and that he had done so by <br />substituting those lots with a park donation. Furthermore, in return for <br />this park donation, "any and all fees, deposits and charges appurtenant to <br />the fact" of revising the originally approved Tentative Map should be <br />rescinded and returned to Parkside Bstates. <br />Councilman Aiken confirmed the statements in Mr. Lambert's letter, in that <br />Mr. Lambert had been requested to work out with Staff some method of <br />eliminating the B lots (12 acres) near Moody Court. In his remarks, it was <br />emphasized that in order to do this, Mr. Lembert had absorbed substantial <br />engineering expenses to revise this original map to fulfill the Town's <br />request and special consideration should be given to the pregarding and <br />variance requests. <br />Speaking from the Floor, on behalf of the Planning Commission's action in <br />denying all variances and limiting pregrading, Chairman Weisbart and <br />Commissioner Corbett noted their review of the revised map was from a <br />Planning standpoint and that the consensus of the Commission was that <br />grading and variances should be considered on an individual basis at the <br />time a residence is proposed. <br />Council discussion noted that preservation of the corridor connecting the <br />Duveneck property and Byrne Preserve was desired and that an anonymous <br />` gift of $30,000, plus three building sites on Altamont, was given to <br />Mr. Lambert for the fair value of some of those lots in the corridor, but <br />additional funds to purchase the remaining eight lots on Moody Court were <br />not available. <br />Mr. Lamberts utilizing the various map transparencies, reviewed the progression <br />of changes and concessions made since presentation of his original map to <br />the present time. <br />Council concurred that the pregrading and variance requests warranted <br />consideration in view of Mr. Is ert's efforts to fulfill the Town's wishes <br />for the park corridor. <br />Staff was requested to advise of their recommendations on the variances and <br />pregrading on a lot by lot basis. Following discussion of each individual <br />lot. Motions were made approving or denying the variance and pregrading <br />requests wherever applicable. (To provide clarity to the Minutes and to <br />facilitate administrative follow-up, the following Motions were taken out of <br />sequence and arranged in numeric sequence.) <br />MOTIONS, SECONDED AND CARRIED: <br />LOT #19 - No variance was requested. Council concurred to accept the <br />Planning Commission's recommendation to allow pregrading with a <br />6 to 1 upward slope from the road into Lot #19, thus rounding <br />the ridge. <br />LOT #20) Councilman Davey moved, seconded by Mayor Benson and carried <br />LOT #21)- unanimously, that the proposed lots #202 21 and 22 be disallowed <br />LOT #22) and that this area be set aside for two (2) lots only, as <br />recommended by the Planning Commission. <br />LOT #23 - No variance or pregrading was requested by the applicant, <br />-3. <br />
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