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4/19/2016 1:29:12 PM
Creation date
7/29/2015 9:20:27 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1: Jack Snell (371-70) cont'd. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Grabowski and <br />carried unanimously that Mr. Jack Snell be allowed to file a Parcel Map (371-70). <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 4: <br />REPORT ON PROGRESS ON PATHWAY AROUND THE "LITTLE TWISTER" <br />City Manager stated that he was to meet with Mr. Ray Galli on October 6 to discuss <br />the "swapping" of land to provide sufficient right of way for a path around these <br />corners. <br />Councilman Grabowski noted that 90 days had passed since Council action had given <br />immediate go-ahead. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: <br />MONTE LUCERO UNIT #3 (345-68) Final Map, 5 lots, Natoma Road. Engr. Saudis Assoc. <br />Staff noted that upon the Council's request, the Planning Commission had reviewed <br />the requested changes in the statue of Lucero Lane and made the following <br />recommendations: <br />1) that the name change from Murietta Lane to Lucero Lane be approved; <br />the Fire Department also approved this name change; <br />2) that Lucero Lane be private but built with a 16' wide pavement to <br />public road standards, with a 40' right of way; <br />3) that approval of this Final Map be conditioned upon dedication of <br />the path easements shown on the Tentative Map for Monte Lucero Unit #2. <br />The Check List for Unit #2 calls for a path easement along the rear of <br />lots #20, 19, 18 (both south and east sides) 17, 16, and 15 to terminate <br />at the 20' easement that was granted by Riggs to Soares, which connects <br />to Natoma Road. These lot numbers are as shown on Tentative Map #3, <br />Champagne Heights, Unit #2, received by the Town August 18, 1967. <br />Staff stated the above mentioned paths could be eliminated by substituting a path <br />easement between lots #10 and #11 and lots #5 and #6 as shown on the Final Map of <br />Unit #2. The Applicant, Mr. Lambert, agreed to this proposal. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Davey and <br />carried unanimously to approve the Final Map for Monte Lucero Unit #3 (345-68) for <br />5 lots on Natoma Road conditioned on dedication of path easements between lots #10 <br />and #11 and lots #5 and #6 of the Final Map of Monte Lucero Unit #2. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: <br />REQUEST FOR EXEMPTION FROM PROVISIONS OF B.S.A. Ordinance #102 FOR JOHN GILKEY <br />(BSA -60-70). <br />Staff stated Mr. Gilkey had submitted his application to the Planning Commission <br />for Building Site Approval of two lots located on La Loma Drive, but they had <br />postponed action until the applicant completed his map by showing all contours, <br />trees and other physical features. Speaking from the Floor, the Applicant's <br />engineer, Mr. J. W. Riley, stated that Ordinance No. 102 should not affect the <br />land of Mr. J. Gilkey, as his subdivision was approved by the Town in 1959 and <br />therefore he requested an exemption from Ordinance No. 102 for Mr. Gilkey. <br />
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