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City Council Minutes
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Creation date
7/29/2015 9:20:27 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: John Gilkey (BSA -60-70) Cont'd. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Corbett moved, seconded by Helgesson and <br />carried unanimously to deny an exemption from Ordinance No. 102 for Mr. Gilkey <br />(BSA -60-70) and to return this request for Building Site Approval to the Planning <br />Commission. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3: <br />LANDS OF ESMNER (369-70) Tentative Map, 14 lots, Altamont Road. Engr. M. Wolff. <br />Staff reviewed the Check List recommended by the Planning Commission with additions <br />or changes resulting from meetings that had been held with the Applicant to resolve <br />acquisition of additional ewer units of benefit in S.A.D. 112 and also in -lieu fees <br />for the frontage of the subdivision along Altamont Road. Seven additional sewer <br />units of benefit were requested of the Applicant. This figure was calculated both <br />by the slope density formula and the 1.3 acres rule of thumb. If the Applicant <br />does not agree to dedicate the 2.3 acres of'bpen space' adjoining the Esh <br />ner's two <br />acre homesite, the seven sewer units would be increased to nine. Fifty percent of <br />the normal road in -lieu fee for the entire frontage along Altamont Road was agreed <br />upon, since the remainder and if the future Council so desires, even 100% of the <br />in -lieu fee for frontage along Altamont would be collected when lot #14 is further <br />subdivided. <br />Floor participation included Mr. and Mrs. Eshner; Millie Saviano, Pathway Committee <br />Chairman; and Planning Commissioner@ Weisbart, McReynolds and Spencer. <br />Commissioner Weisbart voiced objection to the modified Check List which indicated <br />she had signed the most recent revision. Staff agreed this was in error and that <br />her name would be removed. Commissioner McReynolds voiced his objection to the <br />Council's consideration of approval of this Tentative Map without returning the <br />ot had the <br />opportunity t Planningatter to the Commission, <br />upon ithe acceptance bynthe gApplicantoo£hthe ad nadditional <br />opportunity <br />sewer unite recommended by the Planning Commission, nor had they agreed to the <br />additional open space the Applicant was considering to dedicate. This proposal <br />had arisen after the Commission had unanimously recommended to the Council, that <br />the Eshner'@ Tentative Map be approved. <br />Motion by Councilman Grabowski to refer the matter back to the Planning Commission <br />was withdrawn after the City Attorney noted that the Planning Commission was an <br />advisory body and that the matters suggested for changes were matters of compro- <br />mise and matters of additional requirements. The two items of compromise involved <br />sewer requirements and in -lieu fees which are financial matters to be resolved by <br />the Council. Likewise the imposition of the additional requirement of "open space" <br />was a Council decision. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by Grabowski and <br />carried unanimously that the Lands of Eshner, Tentative Map (369-70) for 14 lots <br />on Altamont Road be approved in accordance with the October 5, 1970 revision of <br />the Check List. <br />4 -4- <br />
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