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4/19/2016 1:29:12 PM
Creation date
7/29/2015 9:20:27 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 4: <br />LANDS OF AINSWORTH (359-69) Tentative Map, 2 lots, E. Sunset Drive. Eugr. J.W. Riley. <br />Staff stated in November of 1969, Mr. Ernest W. Schmidt, attorney representing <br />Mr. F. H. Ainsworth, requested that this Tentative Map be withdrawn. The property <br />was since sold and the new owner requested that it again be considered by the City <br />Council. The property is located on E. Sunset Drive and the Applicant proposed to <br />create a second building site by taking a part of Parcel A and adding it to <br />Parcel C to create a legal building site. Staff proposed 100% in -lieu payments <br />for the full frontage of the two building sites for both roadway and pathway <br />Purposes and recommended approval of this Tentative Map, with the conditions as <br />outlined by the Planning Commission at their September 22, 1969 meeting. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Grabowski <br />and carried unanimously that Lands of Ainsworth, Tentative Map (359-69) for 2 lots <br />on E. Sunset Drive be approved in accordance with the Staff's recommendation for <br />100% in -lieu fees for path and roads along the full frontage of E. Sunset Drive <br />and the conditions specified in the Planning Commission minutes of September 22, <br />1969. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3: <br />DISCUSSION ON CIVIL DEFENSE COMMUNICATIONS. <br />Staff read a letter from Walter A. Reed, Chairman of PARS, C. D. Committee, offering <br />the assistance of PARS in setting up a local Civil Defense Communications Center <br />in Loa Altos Hills. The estimated coat to the Town would be approximately $500 and <br />space near Town Hall for use during drills and emergencies was requested. <br />( Since the budget did not allow for these funds nor would our present facilities <br />provide for drills, it was recommended that the Town not accept this offer. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by Grabowski and <br />carried unanimously that the offer of assistance of PARS to set up a local Civil <br />Defense Communications Center in Los Altos Hills be declined. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 5: <br />DISCUSSION OF RECUMMENDATIONS FOR DESIGNATION OF THE JUAN PRADO MESA ADOBE AS A <br />STATE HISTORICAL LANDMARK. <br />The City Manager noted that the Town Historian, Mrs. Florence Fava, would like <br />assistance in locating the site of the Juan Prado Mesa Adobe and having it designates <br />as a State Historical Landmark. <br />Speaking from the Floor, Mrs. Pave noted her research indicated it was in the <br />gecera.'. o -ea of E1 Monte and Summerhill, but until pinpointed it was not conclusiveb <br />knowva this adobe was located within the Town or Los Altos. She requested <br />that the To!m Engineer assist in determining its exact location. <br />Sta" •aq rc'stad to make this determination by the next Council meeting and <br />r Srcrt a:: tot LiLO. <br />UNSCEEWUED I-Em_?0. 6: <br />D-iSCL'SSION OF FOOTFALL EXPRESSWP.Y RESURFACING DECISION. <br />This item was deferred to the October 19th Agenda. <br />4 -5- <br />
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