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SCHEDULED ITEM NO 1: <br />LELAND, JOHN D, BSA-58-70) Building site approval for 1 lot. Visceino Drive. <br />AAr Staff noted this lot, located off La Cresta on a cul-de-sac, was part of the <br />Fremont Hills Subdivision and needed building site approval because it was <br />originally approved over ten years ago. The Planning Commission had recommend- <br />ed approval, subject to the applicant paying the in-lieu payment fox Park and <br />Open Space. <br />NDTION, SBCCmUED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Aiken <br />and carried unanimously, to grant building site approval to John D. Leland <br />(BSA-58-70) for 1 lot, subject to payment of in-lieu fees for park and open <br />space. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: <br />REQUEST FOR CHANGE IN TENTATIVE MAP FOR MONTB l=BRO, UNIT #3. <br />Staff advised that Mr. A. Lambert, the applicant, had asked for approval Of <br />the Final Map of this five lot subdivision on Natoma Road, with the cul-de- <br />sac name being changed from Marietta Lane to Lucero Lane and changing its <br />status from a public road (401 wide right of way) to a private road (32t right <br />of way). <br />Council discussion ensued with Floor participation by Mr. B. J. Soares, <br />750 Newell Road, Palo Alto, and it was noted that since only five lots used <br />this cul-de-sac, a private road would be adequate but reservations were <br />voiced as to the desirability of retaining the specifications of a public <br />right of way at Natoma. Council consensus was that changing the name of <br />the road to Lucero Lane would be acceptable and it was noted that on-site <br />A sewage disposal appeared feasible. <br />M7TION, SBCCNDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Aiken moved, seconded by Grabowski <br />and carried unanimously that this request be forwarded to the Planning <br />Commission for their study of the private road and that their recommendation <br />be returned for consideration at the next Council meeting. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3: <br />PARKSIDB UNITS #2 and #3. <br />This item was continued from the last Council meeting so that additional con- <br />sideration could be given to the request of Mr. A. Lambert for waiving the <br />fees for engineering and planning, since this revision of the original map was <br />At the request of the Town. Mr. Lambert also asked that fees for his variance <br />request, site development for pregrading, and appeal to the Council be waived. <br />In addition, We Lambert asked the Council to relieve him of the requirement <br />to pay the in -lieu road and path fees for Parkside Unit #1 in the amount of <br />$8,544.80. Staff recommended against the waiving of these fees since expenses <br />had been incurred by the Town for processing this revised Tentative Map, as <br />well as work on the variance and site development pregrading requests. It was <br />further noted that the in -lieu fee for Parkside Unit #1 ($8,544.80) was a com- <br />promise amount and agreed to at that time as being a fair and just charge. <br />Permission to use individual septic tank systems on sixteen lots in Parkside <br />Units #2 and #3, rather than hooking them up to a sanitary sewer, was also <br />requested by Mr. Lambert. Staff noted that a meeting to discuss this matter <br />was pending. <br />6 Council noted that resolution of sewage disposal was essential before con- <br />sideration could be given to waiving any fees. From the Floor, Mr. Lambert <br />stated that regardless of the sewer vs septic tank outcome, that he would be <br />submitting a Final Map for Parkside, which would be somewhat between the <br />original and revised Tentative Maps. <br />-2- <br />