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6. Mrs, F. L. Tippett, 12200 Winton Way, expressed appreciation for the <br />6 excellent service received from the patrol service. <br />7. Senator Clark Bradley acknowledged receipt of our request as to the <br />extent of services the Sheriff is required to provide an incorporated city <br />and advised that it had been forwarded to the Legislative Counsel's Office. <br />8. League of Women's •oters advised that they will be soliciting financial <br />support in the Town during February, in accordance with Ordinance No. 97. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1• <br />REQUEST FOR REFUND OF $364.98 for DRAINAGE FEE FROM RICHARD B. OLIVER. <br />Staff reviewed this item which had been continued from the last meeting to <br />allow Councilman Helgesson to be present to explain the origin of Ordinance <br />No. 141 to Mr, Oliver, which requires cost sharing of drainage responsibili- <br />ties between the developer and the builder. Councilman Helgesson noted that <br />the intent of the Ordinance was to insure that the builder share in the <br />responsibility since all roofed and paved areas increase runoff above and <br />beyond that increase generated by the subdivider's actions. <br />MOTION.SECOPIDED _ND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by <br />Corbett and carried unanimously, that the refund of drainage fees requested <br />by Mr. Richard B. Oliver be denied. <br />The Town Engineer was directed to investigate the origin of the extreme <br />bank erosion, which appeared to be due to improper drainage ditch beside a <br />private road behind Mr. Oliver's property. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2• <br />DISCUSSION OF PARK AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT PROPOSAL. <br />Councilman Davey provided material on the proposed formation of a Mid - <br />Peninsula Regional Park District and introduced Mr. Stanley Norton, of Palo <br />Alto, who explained the proposed district and its purpose. The District <br />would encompass the area from Redwood City south to and including Los Gatos <br />and from the Bay to Skyline Boulevard and would acquire foothill land to hold <br />for open space and recreational uses. If approved by the voters, the <br />Regional Park District would have taxing paver to provide monies for the <br />land acquisition at the rate of ten (10) cents per $100. <br />Mrs. Nanette Hanko presented results of their poll of 4600 residents of the <br />proposed area (over 200,000 registered voters) that indicated over 80% <br />of those questioned favored formation of the District. <br />In summation, the Council's endorsement to LAFCO for support of the Regional <br />Park District was requested. <br />Council discussion ensued, with Floor participation by Mr. Wallace Stegner, <br />13456 South Forks Lane, Dr, Robert R. Buss, 2265 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, Mr, <br />David Bellucci, 26220 Moody Road, and Mrs. Lois C. Hogle, 2000 Page Mill Road, <br />Palo Alto. <br />Councilman Grabowski expressed reservations as to the implied tax increase, <br />since the recent Town -wide questionnaire had indicated residents would not <br />` favor purchasing additional open space if increased taxes were required. <br />` The statistics presented by Mrs. Hanko, noting an apparent decided reversal <br />of thinking within the Town during the last few months regarding this subject, <br />were questioned. <br />-2- <br />