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Mayor Benson noted that any such tax increase would be, because the voters <br />elected to form the Regional Park District. He emphasized that it would be <br />the voters who will weigh whether they prefer increased taxes to maximize <br />Open space. He further noted that supporting the retention of open space <br />was furthering our rural atmosphere and thus in keeping with the Town 's <br />basic philosophy. In addition, should this Regional Park District be formed, <br />the Town - although paying proportionately less than our more dense neighbors - <br />would benefit most due to the proximity of the Park Region. <br />Council concurred that a resolution be prepared urging favorable support of <br />the proposed formation of a Mid -Peninsula Regional Park District and re- <br />questing favorable action by the Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties' Boards <br />Of Supervisors and Local Agency Formation Commissions so as to place the <br />proposal before the voters at the earliest possible time. <br />At the Council's request to take out of sequence at this time, the City <br />Attorney introduced and read in its entirety, RESOLUTION NO. 608, a resolution <br />of the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills supporting the concept <br />of a Mid -Peninsula Regional Park District. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Davey moved, seconded by Corbett <br />and carried by unanimous roll call vote, that Resolution No. 608 be adopted <br />as read. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 1: <br />PRESENTATION OF AUDIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1969-70. <br />City Manager distributed and reviewed the recently completed audit for <br />Fiscal Year 1969-70. It was noted that certain restricted funds from in -lieu <br />payments and application deposits had been tranferred out of the General <br />` Fund, so that the resultant General Fund reserve at June 30, 1970 of $49,275 <br />was totally unrestricted. <br />Discussion noted that the initial payment for the Little League property was <br />not included in Fiscal Year 1969-70 Expenditures and that the Town had <br />been requested this day to pay both the initial payment of $11,000 and the <br />second annual payment of $11,000. Council discussion noted that the delay <br />in processing and consummating the contract which the Town authorized over a <br />year ago was not due to the Town's neglect and therefore the effective date <br />should be naw, not retroactive to the date originally authorizing the <br />contract. Staff was requested to contact the School District to determine <br />if the contract date could be postponed for one year rather than forcing the <br />Town to make a double payment,and report back at the next Council meeting. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: <br />REQUEST FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT WITH THE NATURE CONSERVANCY. <br />Staff noted that the lease -purchase agreement for Byrne Preserve called for <br />the sharing of property taxes, whereby the taxes on the parcel purchased <br />were prorated between the Town and The Nature Conservancy. On the parcels <br />leased (5 remaining), the Town paid $1.00 per parcel to lease, while The <br />Nature Conservancy assumed all the taxes (approximately $33.00) on the leased <br />property. This amount is reduced each year by the Town's purchase of an <br />additional parcel. The Nature Conservancy requested that the new lease <br />agreement for the remaining parcels incorporate a provision that the Town <br />assume all taxes. Staff recommended that this request be granted to facili- <br />t460 ate administration of the contract. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Davey <br />and carried by unanimous roll call vote, that The Nature Conservancy be advised <br />that the Tann will assume the property taxes on the leased portion of Byrne <br />Preserve and that such proviso be incorporated in the new annual lease agree- <br />ment. -3- <br />