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OTHER BUSINESS BY COUNCILMEN: <br />4 1. Staff advised in response to Councilman Grabowski's query that the <br />15 -mile zone signs for the twister were on order and that the noise <br />measuring device was pending response from Mr. Towle,who suggested it may <br />be available free of charge. <br />2. Councilman Helgesson reported that the Town's share for the solid waste <br />study for Santa Clara Cities would be $47.00 and requested this amount be <br />approved. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by <br />Grabowski and carried by unanimous roll call vote, that $47.00 be <br />allocated fox the Solid Waste Study. <br />3. Councilman Corbett noted that Mr. Charles S. McCandless, 24965 La Loma <br />Drive, would head up the recently established Open Space Committee and <br />they would proceed to obtain a list of individuals wishing to donate land, <br />money, or time. <br />ADJOURNMENT: <br />There being no further business, Mayor Benson adjourned the meeting at <br />11:25 P. M. TO: <br />NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Monday, December 21, 1970 at 7:45 P. M. at Town Hall. <br />TJK/mam <br />12/7/70 <br />-7- <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />TED J. LiJZEK <br />City Clerk <br />Town of Los Altos Hills <br />