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City Council Minutes
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4/19/2016 1:29:31 PM
Creation date
7/29/2015 9:28:09 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 2: MATADERO OAKS Cont'd <br />f Motion by Councilman Davey to uphold the Commission's action and deny approval of <br />the Tentative Map for Matadero Oaks died for lack of a second. Majority consensus <br />of the Council was that the matter should be referred back to the Commission since <br />resolution of the problems posed appeared near. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by Corbett and <br />carried unanimously to return the Tentative Map for Matadero Oaks to the Planning <br />Commission for resolution of outstanding problem so that specific recommendations <br />would be presented for consideration at the January 18, 1971 council meeting. <br />Council concurred that informal recommendations to provide guidance to the <br />Commission would be appropriate rather than giving them specific stipulations in the <br />referral back to the Planning Commission. <br />SCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3: <br />DISCUSSION OF OPEN SPACE PLAN FOR LOS ALTOS MILLS. <br />Councilman Davey noted the lead being taken by Palo Alto to conserve the foothills <br />and proposed the Council set up a priority program to conserve as much as possible <br />of the foothills within the Town limits. She urged the following five steps be <br />initiated to accomplish this goal. <br />1. Develop a statement of policy regarding the conservation of open space <br />resources within the Town, <br />2. Prepare an element of the Town's General Plan for open space conservation. <br />3. Prepare an inventory of open space areas, and rank them as to priority for <br />preservation and conservation. <br />4. Develop the framework necessary to implement the open space program within <br />the Town. <br />5. Develop financing arrangements to be used on a continuing basis for acquisition <br />of open space. <br />She proposed Council consideration of a bond issue that would be presented to the <br />voters to finance the land acquisition plan. Council discussion noted the present <br />Town indebtedness from land acquisition commitments and that the Townwide survey <br />sents would be <br />burdenaforional tax <br />made lst s thheeepurchaseted re of more open space atithis time. MayooraBensontauggeated <br />perhaps a vote of the residents might be desirable since the sentiments expressed <br />in the Twn surveyement with <br />Districtopromoters Welt was noted, ehowever, that oaeregional ecost diaringby the gional Park <br />might <br />attract support for formation of a district park but an agressive Town -only <br />financed program possibly would not. Council concurred to continue this proposal <br />to the next meting to allow additional study, so that if they wish the Planning <br />Commission to pursue this matter, that more specific guidelines could be provided. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM N0, 1: <br />REPORT ON DRAINAGE PROBLEM OF RICHARD B. OLIVER. <br />Staff noted that at the last meeting the Town Engineer was requested to study <br />Mr. Oliver's drainage problem and report back to the Council. Mr. Crabtree's study <br />4WAttorney <br />that the problem initiates and exists on private property and the City <br />Attorney noted that resolution of Mr. Oliver's problem was a private matter to be <br />worked out between he and the developer. <br />-3- <br />
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