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UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 3 cont'd <br />60 course and that proposed improvements on Elena Road would correct deficiepoi:os <br />in existing public improvements. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by <br />Benson, that the Council approve the engineering plan for drainage improve- <br />ments in the vicinity of 26951 Elena Road and authorize the expenditure of <br />$1,200.00 for same, was carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: <br />Councilmen Benson, Davey, Helgesson, Mayor Aiken. Noes: None. Absent: <br />Councilman Fowle. <br />UNSCHEDULED ITEM NO. 4: <br />CONSIDERATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION FOR PROPOSED PLANNING ,3 9 <br />STUDY RE: GENERAL PLAN REVISION, CIRCULATION ELEMENT, ETC. <br />Staff report was presented reviewing the proposed study by 'William Spangle <br />and Associates for General Plan revision and preparation of a circulation <br />plan with appropriate street standards, based on the recommendations of the <br />Private Road Committee. Staff stated the Planning Commission had unanimously <br />recommended Council implementation of the William Spangle & Associates' <br />proposal on the following schedule: <br />Phase I, Iten 1 - (Detailed Work Program) To be started <br />immediately this 1968-69 Fiscal Year. <br />Phase I, Items 2 <br />through 8 - The remaining items in Phase I to be <br />started as soon as possible in the new <br />Fiscal Year of 1969-70. <br />Phases I and II - To be completed within the 1969 Calendar <br />Year. <br />Planning Commission concurred that all phases should be completed <br />within a two year period. <br />Acting Manager stated funds were available to initiate Item 1 of Phase I <br />pertaining to preparation of a detailed work program, and that additional <br />financial considerations for the entire planning study could be incorporated <br />into budgetary sessions to be initiated in April for the coming fiscal year. <br />Council concurred that William Spangle & Associates should provide a cost <br />estimate for the undertaking of the detailed work program outlined in <br />Phase I and proceed in close cooperation with the Town Staff. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by <br />Benson and carried unanimously, that the Council accept and approve the <br />recommendations of the Planning Commission regarding the William Spangle & <br />Associates' planning proposal dated February 21, 1969 and that Phase I, <br />Item 1, should proceed immediately. <br />Council requested Commissioner Hibner to relay the Council's appreciation <br />to the Planning Commission for their thorough efforts which had been <br />responsible for initiating and implementing the proposed planning study. <br />