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STAFF REPORTS: cont'd.: <br />City Engineer: 6 �S <br />1. City Engineer presented for Council review Revised Master Plan for Storm <br />Water Drainage dated March 3, 1969, as previously authorized by the Council. <br />City Engineer noted the report was complete, except for back-up engineering <br />calculations which would be forwarded to the Drainage Committee this week. <br />City Attorney: <br />1. Reviewed slide occurring on the undeveloped property of J. P. Kilburn, <br />in the vicinity of Anacapa Drive, and recommended that he transmit a letter <br />to Mr. Kilburn notifying of the situation and requesting assistance in <br />clean-up activities on Anacapa Drive. <br />PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR: 4`7 j <br />1. Mrs. F. Fava, 26691 Moody Road, presented to the Council framed copy of <br />original Town Platform of Incorporation. Council expressed their apprecia- <br />tion to Mrs. Fava. <br />2. Communication of Hugh Jackson continued. <br />Staff noted that the Notice of Sale by the State of California for the <br />subject .5 acre parcel on Purissima Road had clearly stated that the property <br />did not conform to the requirements of the Town Zoning Ordinance; that <br />Mr. Jackson had discussed utilization of the property with Town Staff <br />members prior to his purchase of the property; and, that Mr. Jackson had <br />been informed that the property did not meet the requirements of Town <br />Ordinances. <br />Mr. Jackson requested an electrical service to enable adequate repair of the <br />structure and utilization as a storage facility. City Attorney stated the <br />only utilization permitted under the Town Ordinances would be the pre-existing <br />use as a garage. <br />Council expressed their regret that they could not assist Mr. Jackson, due <br />to ordinance restrictions which preclude connection of utility service. <br />3. Commissioner Hibner announced that the Los Altos Fire District has <br />obtained the services of a local architect and is proceeding with construc- <br />tion plans for the new fire station, to be located on a site acquired in <br />the vicinity of Arastradero and Purissima Roads. <br />RESOLUTIONS: <br />1. Resolution No. 512, awarding sale of bonds, S.A.D. #2. <br />City Attorney reviewed bids received on bonds totalling $49,237.50 for <br />Sewer Assessment District No. 2, noting that three extremely favorable bids <br />had been received in view of the small size of the bond issue, the length <br />of time District #2 had been involved in litigation and the 6% interest <br />rate limitation imposed on the bond issue. <br />City Attorney recommended the sale of bonds for Sewer Assessment District #2 <br />be awarded to Gross & Company, Inc., of Lafayette, California, pursuant to <br />their low bid of 97.31% of par value, with bonds bearing interest at the <br />rate of 5.80% per annum. <br />M <br />