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UNSCHEDULED ITEMS• <br />1. WHEELER, OLIVER, TRACT NO. 4184, Final Map - 2 lots, 19+ acres, Central /V / <br />Drive. Engr. E. Mastin. <br />4 Staff report was presented noting the revised Tentative Map for the 19.628 <br />acre parcel located on Central Drive was approved by the City Council on <br />March 7, 1966, subject to the following conditions: <br />1) Dedication of an easement 15' in width along the entire length of <br />Central Drive across the subdivided lands for the limited purposes of <br />non -vehicular travel and of vehicular travel by public safety <br />vehicles, and the improvement of said easement by grading thereto to <br />a width of at least 101. <br />2) Dedication of approximately one acre for park purposes. <br />3) Approval of all agencies, except the Fire Department, which <br />Department's requirements for access are modified in accordance <br />with Item 1 above. <br />4) Planning Commission Check List, except for the item requiring a <br />60' dedication on Central Drive. <br />City Clerk stated that two one-year extensions of time to file a Final Map <br />and a request for "stage" construction of subdivision improvements for <br />Tract No. 4184 had subsequently been approved by the Council. By this action, <br />the Council had approved the request to accept partial improvements for <br />Parcel #1 (2.805 acres) as an approved site, with the remaining 15.747 acres <br />unapproved at this time. <br />Staff stated City Engineer has certified that the Final Map conforms to the <br />approved Tentative Map and conditions imposed thereon and that subdivision <br />agreements pertaining to the improvements have been executed. Therefore, <br />Staff recommended the Final Map of Tract No. 4184 be approved and noted that <br />the park donation (Parcel #3 - 1.004 acres) would be rezoned to Open Space <br />Reserve as soon as the deed conveying title to the Town has been recorded. <br />Mayor Aiken stated records should be made explicitly clear that through <br />vehicular traffic would not be permitted through the park donation or through <br />the 15' wide easement along the entire length of Central Drive across the <br />subdivided lands, except for emergency vehicle use. <br />MOTION AND SECOND: Councilman Benson moved, seconded by Helgesson, that the <br />Final Map of Oliver Wheeler, Tract No. 4184, 2 lots, be approved. <br />Council discussion ensued, with Floor participation by Mr. David Jansson, <br />27440 Sherlock Road. Following Council discussion concerning deeded access <br />to a public road as required by the Subdivision Ordinance No. 69, Council <br />concurred this matter should be continued to later in the Agenda to enable <br />the City Engineer to confer with applicant's engineer concerning the existence <br />of deeded access to a public road. <br />2. ZAPPETTINI. :1M. & ROSE, Tentative Map (354-69) - 2 lots, 3.99 gross acres, dIS <br />Page Mill Road and Altamont Road. Engr. J. W. Riley. <br />Staff report was presented noting the applicant was requesting that the 3.99 <br />gross acre parcel at the corner of Page Mill and Altamont Roads be divided <br />into two lots, with lot #2 declared "Not a Building Site". Staff noted the <br />Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval, subject to the following <br />conditions: <br />-3- <br />